Guildford Meet



42,639 posts

267 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Did'nt know you were a member here Phil?

Phil k

21 posts

247 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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Signed up a while ago bud, just tend to frequent the Corrado Forum more often as I have so many problems with my one LOL!!!

Think Alex told me about this place originally... nice forum, will be about a bit more often now I've met a few of you


42,639 posts

267 months

Monday 17th May 2004
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You will find me in General Gassing or Jap forum!


Original Poster:

637 posts

274 months

Wednesday 19th May 2004
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Guess we should set a date for the next meet.

How about 13th or 20th June same place and time?

Once we've sorted a date I'll start a new thread to avoid any confusion.

A little run after lunch maybe. Pub to Newlands Corner, Guildford.

Graham...excellent video and pictures , look forward to the next ones......


5,420 posts

262 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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Thanks Brian, new date sounds good.

Forgive my ignorance but what's at Newlands Corner? I'm sure I've been there before but can't for the life of me think what's there.

>> Edited by Graham.J on Thursday 20th May 00:12


Original Poster:

637 posts

274 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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Newlands Corner is a large car park with a burger van. Used to frequent it often when I had my R1.

Just thought it would be a good compromise for the car / biker mix we had at the last meet.

I have a route planned that could be fun.


2,383 posts

250 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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Both dates sound good to me.. 20th is directly after my next IAM run so that should be interesting.. see if I've improved or not!


42,639 posts

267 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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marlboro said:
Newlands Corner is a large car park with a burger van. Used to frequent it often when I had my R1.

Just thought it would be a good compromise for the car / biker mix we had at the last meet.

I have a route planned that could be fun.

I go to the Surrey Subaru meets there and quite frankley its ok in the winter but on a sunday in teh summer its almost impossible to park due to all the bllody ramblers

Phil k

21 posts

247 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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I'm good for next month

>> Edited by Phil k on Thursday 20th May 19:21


Original Poster:

637 posts

274 months

Friday 21st May 2004
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Best we go for 20th, then I can quiz Al about the IAM run.

Good call Charlie, Newlands will be well busy and lets face it how many of us have rucksacks and tuck our trousers in our socks, sorry any ramblers.

More to the point who would like an after lunch drive/ride?



2,383 posts

250 months

Sunday 23rd May 2004
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I'm in!...

After lunch run sounds good too

a j

450 posts

252 months

Monday 24th May 2004
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Morning all - 20th June sounds good. Parking at Newlands is never a problem for us bikers . Anyway whats wrong with me tucking my trousers in my socks?! I'll post it on bikers forum.


S2rr Kitty

11,876 posts

254 months

Thursday 27th May 2004
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Is this a meet at Newlands on 20th or is it to go on somewhere else??

That pub in Runfold that you went to last time was really good, are you going back there?



Original Poster:

637 posts

274 months

Thursday 27th May 2004
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The idea is to meet on 20th June at the same pub in Runfold 12:30 ish as last time.

I thought a run somewhere after lunch may be a bit of fun. Newlands will be too busy for us with 4 wheeled transport. I'm quite happy to stay at the pub and chat. I'm easy (probably shouldn't have admitted to that!).

S2rr Kitty

11,876 posts

254 months

Thursday 27th May 2004
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Fab, well if you don't mind my forum gatecrashing this & doubling up to make it a bigger meet then we're gonna try to join you - perhaps with a rideout before the lunch?


Original Poster:

637 posts

274 months

Thursday 27th May 2004
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Great to hear you'll be there.

This 'event' started after HiAsAKite posted a thread about some scroats stealing wheel trims in Guildford. I suggested we meet up.

Anyone interested in having a chat about bikes / cars and seeing some hardware is more than welcome.

I'll try to keep up to date details here:



2,383 posts

250 months

Tuesday 1st June 2004
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Cool, see you all on the 20th. More the merrier really,

Phil k

21 posts

247 months

Saturday 12th June 2004
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I'm in for the 20th, rather than heading upto Newlands corner we could just go for a run around the back roads of Farnham etc. and meet back at the pub for lunch?


42,639 posts

267 months

Tuesday 15th June 2004
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I'm in for the 20th


2,383 posts

250 months

Sunday 20th June 2004
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See you later all...