USA Visa?



Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Sunday 12th June 2022
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Adopted at 10 days and now 67, after doing an Ancestry test, I suddenly find out my real Dad was American and served in the USAF for 21 years. He was stationed over here in the mid-fifties.

Sadly he died three years ago and never knew about me but I have a younger half-sister and uncles, aunties and cousins out there.

So how easy is it to get a visa to visit these days for say two or three weeks or is there some other option like maybe dual nationality.

Doubt I’ll be going over there very much but would really like to visit.

They’re mostly in the South Bend area so any advice welcome.


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Sunday 12th June 2022
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Indiana apparently.

I really know nothing about the place but could be close to Route 66


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Sunday 12th June 2022
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Thank you for that.


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Monday 13th June 2022
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Thanks for that.

I’ll look into it more now.

She's in Fort Wayne not South Bend sorry...

Edited by Davel on Monday 13th June 14:42


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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Sorry for the very late reply.

Not insensitive at all and thanks for your comment. I've found out much more about both my Mother and Father - Davina could make a series about it all.

I've also found a half brother in Aylsbury, a half sister in London and a half sister in Pwhelli on my Mother's side.

ESTA approved and hope to visit the USA late April.

A mate has suggested coming too and that we do Route 66 or something on a couple of bikes, after spending a while with my new family who have all been very welcoming, especially as they didn't even know I existed.

Not planning to buy anything as my wife doesn't want to come out there but I'll see how the visit goes..

I wonder if I could claim dual nationality?

Anyway, pretty excited now to visit and meet new family

Still stunned really but keen to travel

Edited by Davel on Saturday 19th November 18:05


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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Petrus1983 said:
Doing a trip out there sounds great - and seems like you’ve already had an exciting journey.

Re dual nationality - I’m not fully familiar with it fully but I wouldn’t jump too quickly before finding out all the implications.
Perhaps not then....


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Saturday 19th November 2022
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Haven't really thought about DN and not giving it serious consideration.

At 68, it's a bit late in life really


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Sunday 20th November 2022
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The Roadglide hire is a great idea as I’ve got one at home.

I’m only going for two or three weeks so time limit won’t be an issue.

Yes adopting parents were both English and have records of all of the tax that’s I’ve paid over the years.

Edited by Davel on Sunday 20th November 14:18


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Saturday 3rd December 2022
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Thank you for this.

I went to the bike show recently and some of the tour guides there recommended flying to Las Vegas or LA and doing a tour through Death Valley etc

I'm not really a lover of big cities and your thoughts are great.



Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Thursday 8th December 2022
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Planning to visit end of April / beginning of May currently.

Thanks for all the suggestions


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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Well flight out booked for 24th April to Fort Wayne and we'll see how it goes.

I'm advised that early May is not the best time to hire a bike as some of the passes etc will still be icy.

Oh well....


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Monday 3rd April 2023
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I've made no plans yet and will probably get the shuttle bus or an Uber downtown from the airport.

My new sister is proposing to take me round a bit and others are offering to take me to Chicago and a few other things.

Her partner is a Hells Angel which might be interesting.

There's a family gathering with 50/60 people expected.....

So this could be fun and I do want to make the most of the visit.


Original Poster:

8,982 posts

261 months

Tuesday 4th April 2023
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That's why I've only booked a couple of nights

You should see where she lives .eek

So two nights in Fort Wayne then onto South Bend for a few nights and the family gathering before touring somehow.

Edited by Davel on Saturday 22 April 20:17