Finding someone in Canada

Finding someone in Canada


armchair expert

Original Poster:

2,826 posts

77 months

Friday 27th May 2022
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Have a friend who would like to trace a nieghbour who moved to Canada 30 years or so ago. I have basic info maiden name and town in Ontario where she moved.

Spent a couple of hours on the net Wed, trying to find records of deaths and marrages but I came to a blank

Any advice!


armchair expert

Original Poster:

2,826 posts

77 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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Spare tyre said:
Facebook must be a good bet
I'll try facebook if I can't find her through records.

fttm said:
What town ?

armchair expert

Original Poster:

2,826 posts

77 months

Sunday 29th May 2022
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Some Gump said:

Stalker eh?
Yeh, I am not sure I want to find her, apperantly they were in a relationship and now my friend wants to see if they can go on from where they left off. Think it is a bit wishful thinking, heading for disappointment and a bit stange, but who am I to judge?

Why is it I can't see some images on here any more?