Insurance ? Live in Canada - Car is in the UK

Insurance ? Live in Canada - Car is in the UK



Original Poster:

534 posts

280 months

Friday 6th December 2019
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I live in Canada, and have a Canadian driver's licence. I am pursuing the purchase of a car in England with the plan of importing it to Canada in a year. For the most par the car will be stored in a secure storage in the UK, but I would also like to vacation in the UK for a few days next summer and drive it (if practical).

Does anyone know of an insurance company that would insure me? If I can't get insurance to drive the vehicle, at very least I need to have it insured against loss or damage - it is too valuable to just take my chances.

Appreciate any factual information anyone can share.


Original Poster:

534 posts

280 months

Friday 6th December 2019
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Densetsu said:
Storage company should offer insurance based on the cars value etc.
That is the avenue I am exploring now - thanks. I need to find a suitable (reliable) storage facility. It does rule out the option of driving the car unfortunately.


Original Poster:

534 posts

280 months

Friday 6th December 2019
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RDMcG said:
I live in Toronto and recently shipped a Canadian-registered car to Germany to drive and track there for a few weeks... I insured it by calling my broker in Toronto and they organized the Euro insurance through Chubb. If you have a Canadian broker they may be helpful.
Thanks, good thought. I know the insurance companies I deal with won't insure it -(Allstate and Hagerty) but perhaps the broker can find something for me.


Original Poster:

534 posts

280 months

Monday 9th December 2019
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Densetsu said:
Expect something like £2 per year per £1000 of the value in secure car storage place.

Just a thought, how will you get the car MoT'd? (unless it's exempt)? Flatbed trailer to the MoT station? Again, insurance could be tricky...
Vendor will MOT before I pick it up. Likely I will need to flat bed it to storage. Not sure if I can MOT it ‘now’, but insure it for road use a few months later - I guess I have some reading of the rules ahead.


Original Poster:

534 posts

280 months

Monday 9th December 2019
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The Moose said:
When I go back to the UK, Chubb have no problem adding me to my families’ policies to drive pretty much anything.

I don’t know if you could get the same deal as the main insured??
Waiting for a verdict on this from Chubb - appreciate the lead.