Moving to the US info



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175 months

Wednesday 18th January 2017
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Firstly, I know there are a couple of threads about moving but I feel my situation is a little different and I don't want to hijack someone elses thread.

Secondly, apologies for the relationship talk, it makes this look more like an agony aunt column!

I've visited the US a number of times over the years, always had a blast but been happy to get on the plane and come home when the holiday's over. In September that changed, I met a girl when in Nashville. We got talking in a bar and hit it off big time. The next day we hung out at a park for a few hours before my plane home. Once home we spoke every day without fail and finally last week I flew out to visit her for 5 days.

Having landed back here yesterday I've been thinking about my situation, she's amazing, we get on like a house on fire and could both see a future together. She has 3 children from a previous relationship so her coming over here is out of the question. Having looked through my options I don't see me filling the criteria to move there, i.e. I'm not university educated, my 'skills' are not unique etc.

From what I understand marriage is the only way I would be eligible to move and based on the fact we have only spent 6 days in each other's company I'm certainly not willing to get down on one knee just so we can give our (very young) relationship a go.

Am I missing another route that would mean I could move there so we could really be certain if we work together? I'm essentially trying to work out now whether it's worth us getting very much emotionally invested now to avoid heartbreak 2 years down the line when we find out legalities are preventing us from living together.

Edited by offspring86 on Wednesday 18th January 13:50


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175 months

Monday 23rd January 2017
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Trev450 said:
One option would be to go over for an extended stay (12 weeks on a VWP) and see how things develop. That would of course be dependant on how understanding your employer is.
My employer wouldn't allow anything beyond my agreed annual leave, but yes I do see that as a way to spend more time together.

Matt Harper said:
From what you've disclosed, I see 3 options:

If you are minted - EB-5 - costs minimum $500,000 "investment", which you will never see again - effectively you buy a green card.

E2 Treaty Investor - you establish, or buy an existing business that requires you to put substantial investment at risk and is capable of employing USCs (i.e. not just a subsistence vehicle for yourself).

Wedding bells.

Use caution regarding very frequent visits that utilize the visa waiver program. CBP track travel patterns, identifying individuals who may be using VWP to ostensibly 'live' in the US. A good rule-of-thumb is to spend as much time outside of the US as in.
The first 2 options are out of my reach!

5ohmustang said:
Where did you go in Nashville?

Yes, pretty much your only way is through a marriage visa. Similar to how I met my wife. My advice to you is the maintain the relationship long distance. If it is ment to be then true love will prevail. I would grasp it with both hands because situations like yours are rare.
This time, Murfreesboro. I've done Nashville to death and we didn't want this to be a sightseeing trip. We spent the time together hang out, cooking and shopping. Basically trying to be as much of a couple as possible.

Sounds like the plan will be to spend the next few years visiting each other before deciding if marriage is what we want and taking it from there!


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175 months

Tuesday 12th June 2018
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Right, I thought I'd resurrect this thread rather than start a new one. It's been roughly a year and a half since I made my first trip to see my girlfriend. in that time I've visited 3 more times and in 3 weeks she will be visiting the UK for the first time. Things are still going very smoothly (well, as smoothly as they can given the ~4,000 mile distance).

We've spoken many many times about our future together and would like to try the next step, seeing if we can spend more than 2 weeks under one roof. The plan is for me to travel to the US using the VWP and spend 85 or so days together living normally with her kids. I'm fully aware that I cannot go there for work which is fine, I will either leave my job or take a sabbatical. Alternatively, if I'm offered a work from home option by my employer, would I legally be able to do that in the US? Other than that I would be looking at volunteer opportunities to fill the days. From what I can see they must be true voluntary roles (i.e. it cannot be a position that would normally be paid).

Do I need to alert the US government in advance with regards to either the trip itself or the intention to volunteer?

Spending that time together should give us a better idea of whether or not this relationship can go further but to be honest I fully expect her to boot me out after 3 weeks as I am rather difficult to life with!


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713 posts

175 months

Tuesday 12th June 2018
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Thanks for your response Matt, this all should be a great help.

Matt Harper said:
The most blindingly obvious one is quitting your job before attempting to enter the US by VWP and maxing out the time allowed. You need to find a way to spin that so that it doesn't sound like it does right now. If you go for the 'sabbatical' story - make sure you can back it up with documentation from your employer. You should also demonstrate significant ties to you home country (that necessitate your return). Quitting work severs a very major one.
I'm hoping my employer will allow me to take a sabbatical, not just to increase my chances of being let in but because I enjoy my job enough to want to return to it at the end of the 3 months. In terms of ties to this country I have my family (parents, 2 sisters, 1 of whom is severely handicapped) along with owning 2 properties. Are these the sort of ties they would look for? I obviously would also have my return flight booked.

Matt Harper said:
You absolutely cannot do any kind of work - paid or otherwise during a VWP stay. The definition of 'work' is really up to the CBP official, things like visiting trade shows, or US offices of UK companies for things like appraisal, negotiations, trainings, contractual briefings etc., are generally allowed, but are entirely at the discretion (and veto) of CBP. Participating in voluntary work suggests you are doing something more than visiting as a tourist. You will be asking for trouble by offering that nugget to CBP.
So me working on my laptop from her house for my UK based company (Property Management) would be OK? We're not an international outfit. I've brought my work laptop with me on 2 week stays before and never had an issue.

Matt Harper said:
You may also be asked how long you intend to stay and how you propose to support yourself while in the US - and be required to demonstrate that you have the wherewithal to do so. Also, be prepared to answer questions like, "What are you going to be doing while you are here?"
Would proof of my savings along with my credit card be sufficient? I have enough in my accounts to more than cover any unexpected costs. If I'm unable to volunteer then I will assume the role of house-husband to help with her 3 boys and their daily routines. Would this be frowned upon by them? My other half is employed and earns a good living.

Matt Harper said:
Ultimately you should be in no doubt that there is no provision for people to enter the US to 'try it out' from a living here point of view.
I hadn't considered this, it's a very good point. Their country would be a mess if they constantly let people like me in to 'give a relationship a go'.

Matt Harper said:
A rule that I advise you to abide by when dealing with CBP is to say as little as possible, without being defensive (or offensive). Do not surrender ANY information that is not asked for and be as succinct as possible in your replies.

If they catch you in a lie, you are screwed, so be very mindful that they are trained to tie people in verbal knots to catch them in a lie.

I think they may scrutinize the following - maxing-out VWP - visiting love-interest - no job to return to - doing voluntary work in US - can you see how this might look to an official who is on the look out for people who come in via VWP with the intention of staying?

On the other hand, you might breeze-in without a care in the world, such is the inconsistency of US Customs and Border Protection.
Thanks again for you response, very insightful and will help me look at how we are approaching this.


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713 posts

175 months

Wednesday 17th October 2018
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Evening all,

Just a quick update. Yesterday morning I hopped on a flight from Heathrow to Nashville. 6 weeks ago my employer approved a 3 month sabbatical, I took along a letter from work stating I was taking a 3 month career break, an email from my girlfriend stating I was travelling for the purpose of vacation with her, print offs of all of my accounts and also the land registry document showing the property I owned.

I had read up on all the possible questions I would be asked and had all the answers prepared in my head.

After queuing for over an hour at the new international entry at Nashville International I was finally called forward, ready to provide all of the answers to show I was going to be leaving at the end of my 86 day stay.

You know what happened? Absolutely nothing. He asked how long I was staying for and who I was seeing. I answered, my passport was stamped and I was told to go on my way have have an enjoyable trip!

So today begins my 86 day stay in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.


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713 posts

175 months

Thursday 18th October 2018
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peterperkins said:
If you hadn't prepared though you can guarantee you would have had the 3rd degree Spanish Inquisition treatment and been kicked back out after giving the wrong answers. .

Well done on doing it correctly. Some great advice from contributors on here. PH is still the place.
I couldn’t agree more, the advice offered out here has been invaluable and there’s no doubt I would have had the full rubber glove treatment if I hadn’t prepared!

geeman237 said:
Welcome to The South. I’m an ex Brit living in South Carolina. Keep us posted on how things go and your experiences and impressions of day to day life. Feel free to ask any questions too.
Now, if you’re on PH I guess you’re a car guy? How about a 5 hr road trip each way this weekend to The Euro Auto Festival in Greenville SC. That ought to break you in gently. Lol
We’re going to be journey8ng around over the next few months. This weekend we’re in Atlanta, mainly to see Chris Stapleton and Brent Cobb but also to go to the aquarium and World of Coke!


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175 months

Monday 25th May 2020
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With the current pandemic I've got a little time on my hands so thought I'd use it to provide an update to my situation.

The 86 days in Tennessee was a fantastic insight into our relationship. Obviously the timeframe gave a limited view, but it's the best we can get given our situation. Since I returned I've flown out 4 more times to visit, Lynda (my partner) even surprised me by flying out here in May along with her boys for my birthday. She'd spent 5 months planning it with my parents, sister, friends and even colleagues; honestly the best surprise I've ever had!

In September my sister and I flew out to meet Lynda for a few weeks, while in New Orleans I got down on one knee and asked her to marry me; thankfully she said yes!

In November we submitted the I-129F as part of the K1 visa application process. Early December we received confirmation that it had been received and would be processed. Between then and 2 weeks ago we heard nothing, reading up on the process this is completely normal. A few days into May we received an RFE (Request for Evidence) asking us to provide more evidence of the relationship including proof of wedding planning, a statement from relatives acknowledging their knowledge of the relationship and engagement and of our intention to marry within 90 days of me entering the US. Thankfully we had plenty of emails dating back to late September showing our wedding plans along with relatives happy to provide statements of their knowledge of our relationship.

This brings us up to now, we've replied to the RFE and are back to waiting on the application to progress again. We've no idea how long we'll have to wait although with the COVID-19 situation I'm not in any hurry to get on a plane for a few months!


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713 posts

175 months

Friday 5th June 2020
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Thank you for the kind words guys. A massive thanks as well for the advice that's been offered on this thread over the last few years, it's been invaluable.


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175 months

Sunday 9th May 2021
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Update time!

It's been almost a year since I last posted in this thread. What has happened in that time? Not a whole lot, sadly.

Thankfully the I129f seems to have been approved and has moved to the National Visa Centre. This happened at some point between May 2020 and February of this year. We had attempted to contact the NVC a number of times to confirm where our application was but their response was always along the lines of "You will be contacted when your application moves". Eventually we got a hold of the Office of Marsha Blackburn, the Senator from Tennessee. Her staff were excellent and confirmed that our application is in the queue to be sent to the US Embassy in London, once they start processing applications again. We have also put in a request to expedite our application as yesterday was 15 months since we last saw each other in person.

With the recently released traffic light system for visiting countries I have decided to fly out to the US in July for a week so see my fiancée, although before I book the flight I do want to double check I have read and understand the rules correctly.

Firstly, for anyone with knowledge of the visa process, as far as I can see, I can visit my fiancée while in the middle of the application. I should ensure I take any evidence with me to show my ties back to this country (basically the same stuff I took with me when visiting for 3 months in 2018). Is this correct?

Secondly, with the traffic light system, the US is in the amber group. This means I can visit the US legally but must do the following:

1. Complete a passenger locator anytime in the 48 hours before my return to the UK.
2. Take a COVID-19 test (and have it come back negative) in the 3 days before my return to the UK.
3. Isolate for 10 days once I return to the UK along with taking COVID-19 tests on days 2 and 8.

Have I missed anything? Have I read the rules correctly?


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713 posts

175 months

Thursday 8th July 2021
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Update time!

Apologies for the lack of replies, I have to admit the travel ban has really hit us hard. Every time it seemed we had found a route to see each other, something popped up to prevent it. However, I do have good news!

In the middle of May we spotted a thread on Visa Journey that mentioned the ability to expedite the visa process. I tracked down the details and submitted a request. Late June we received confirmation that the request had been approved and that our Visa was finally being moved to the Embassy! Yesterday the Embassy emailed to confirm receipt along with a link detailing the next steps in the process.

After over a year in limbo it's suddenly got very real, I now have to revisit all of the research I did in terms of shipping, moving money and selling/renting property (anybody fancy buying a house in Sunderland or renting an apartment in Baldock? hehe) as well as all of the actual visa prep (ACRO, medical, interview etc.).

It all seems very surreal, it's finally moving again!


Original Poster:

713 posts

175 months

Thursday 14th October 2021
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Update time, again!

In July I had my medical, and aside from apparently missing a vaccination when I was 13, everything checked out fine. Next up was the interview which took place at on the 24th August. I spent the weeks before preparing, over and over again. Triple checking the documentation required and researching what would happen in the interview.

I'd been told to expect the whole process to take roughly an hour and a half. From me entering the compound, getting through security, making my way to the correct floor, waiting, handing over documentation, waiting some more and then actually having my interview took just under 30 minutes!

There were no real hiccups other than not having an updated 'Intent to Marry' from my fiancée. I explained that I had not been made aware I would need one. The lady at the window conceded that it isn't listed in the document but is normally required when the I129F expires. Thankfully, as it was delayed due to the pandemic she said it shouldn't pose a problem. I also had brought along a recently signed affidavit of support (not required for the interview, but can help) which I reasoned showed my fiancée still intended on marrying me.

The interview itself was a surprise, I had images of it taking place in a private room, not at the counter and was over extremely quickly. I was asked the following:

• How did you meet?
• Has your fiancée ever visited the UK?
• Will you be living in Nashville?
• Have you met her family?
• What are your plans once you move to Tennessee?

I was halfway through answering the final question when the interviewer cut me off, said "That's all I need. Based on what you've said today and what I've seen in your file, I see no reason why you shouldn't be granted a visa.". With that, I was handed back a few documents and sent on my way.

I managed to hold it together until I exited the compound, at which point I called my fiancée (4am in Tennessee) so we could both have little breakdowns!

I'm going to be flying out to Tennessee at the end of December with a wedding date of 13th January.

I'm well and truly into the 'moving' stage. I've handed my notice in at work (who actually made an offer for me to continue working for them, remotely), my house in Sunderland is going through the sale process at the moment and I'm emptying my apartment in Baldock and moving everything back to my parents' house ready for it all to be shipped!

Based on the previous few posts, I do have a question about the financial aspect. I'm aiming to have the sale of my property in Sunderland completed before I fly. If it ends up delayed and so completes when I've moved, how is the money handled? Would I be taxed by the US government?

Similarly, I will be renting out my apartment in Baldock. How should the rental payments be handled? Would I essentially be taxed twice?

Edited by offspring86 on Thursday 14th October 14:27


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713 posts

175 months

Thursday 17th March 2022
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Update time!

So, where am I? I am still here in the UK. When will I be moving to Tennessee? Not going to happen.

The visa was fully approved, I had vacated my apartment and was interviewing people who wanted to rent it from me. I had sold and given away many possessions I could not take with me and had (biggest of all) worked my 3 month notice period and walked away from my career. at the end of November

I was due to travel out at the end of December for a mid-January wedding, however my other half had other plans. Instead of the nice calm life we we looking at she decided to ostracise my entire family, ensuring none of them would want to visit us. Quite the blow, as you can imagine. It turned what should have been the happiest time of my life into the darkest. I was torn between travelling over there to be with someone whose actions I completely disagreed with, in the hope they could be resolved or staying in the UK with family and friends who had been insulted beyond all belief. My family made a point of saying that although they did not like her for her views and what she had said, they would still support my decision 100% should I go.

I spent a great deal of time thinking it over, I even postponed the move until the end of January, but my fiancée's views got worse and worse and she kept hurling out insults towards my family members. Ultimately I took the decision to call it all off.

This isn't supposed to be an agony aunt post; I've pulled myself together over the last few months. A couple of friends in particular have been phenomenal at keeping me sane. I've taken the decision to sell my apartment and buy a house. I was in touch with my old manager who instantly offered me my old position back, which I rejected. This whole thing was supposed to be a new chapter and although it hasn't worked out the way I had intended, I'm still going to make it a new chapter.

I do have one question, my visa expired at the end of January, I will not be using it. I am however travelling out to the west coast of the US at the end of this month, will the visa in my passport present a problem when entering the country?

Should I apply for a new passport to avoid any issues?