Lane Disclipline?



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1,596 posts

259 months

Wednesday 10th November 2004
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Last night, on the way home from hunting, I observed that on a 8 or so mile stretch of highway that I use, there were approximately two cars in the right lane, and about 40 to 50 in the left, even though the right lane was clear as day. Granted, I didn't mind because that just meant I had a lane to myself, but since this is the trend in my area (near Allentown, Pennsylvania), it gets annoying when there are 3 semis and a few dozen minivans () doing 45 in the left lane, when there are only a few cars in the right, and they're also going 45. On more than one occasion, when I recommend to people that they should stay in the right lane unless passing, they respond, "Isn't that called weaving?" Is there anywhere in the country where there is traffic and where people actually observe lane discipline?


681 posts

265 months

Wednesday 10th November 2004
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Regrettably, you have encountered a growing trend in the US which shows growing driver ignorance. I have asked a number of people about why they have become what I refer to as "left-lane bandits" and one person responded to me: "It is my God-given right to drive in whatever lane I want to at whatever speed I want to as long as I don't break the law". I tried to explain to this nitwit that driving is NOT a God-given right, but a privilege granted by the respective states. I also explained that in the US, we are supposed to stay to the right except for overtaking. There used to be signs posted to this effect on almost all major roadways but they are far less frequent as they once were.
The largest blame, I feel, is in the poor quality of driver education in this country. Just because someone can pass a written test and drive around the block with a DMV officer without killing them both, they are given a license with no further training, usually around the age of 16. At that age, most teenagers believe they already know everything anyway so they see no reason to learn anything else. This, compounded by general stupidity on the part of many motorists to such things as proper ways to yield to oncoming traffic, not tailgating, staying to the right, proper use of turn signals, etc, etc, results in the necessity for many of us to be ever alert and on the lookout for these idiot motorists so that we can survive even a simple trip to the store.