Immigrating to Canada in 96 hours!

Immigrating to Canada in 96 hours!



Original Poster:

404 posts

107 months

Tuesday 9th May 2023
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Too late now, I'm in too deep!

The lawyer fee is covered by my employer, I just pick up the tab on the exams, certification etc.

I'll keep you updated.

Next is revision for the CELPIP English test, being a dyslexic brummie I should get full marks!


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404 posts

107 months

Thursday 11th May 2023
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RDMcG said:
Well, the strike is over, so hopefully immigration will not take too much time. My OH was just completion citizenship and was due for the ceremony...the schedule was one day before the bloody strike , so deferred.
Sorry to hear that, is it a big ceremony?

We had our English test today (CELPIP version) 3 hours, $280 + Tax, not sure I got 100%...


Original Poster:

404 posts

107 months

Tuesday 16th May 2023
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Evening All,

well the CELPIP Englis results are in!

Reading 8/12
Writing 11/12
Listening 11/12
Speaking 12/12

I have no idea how a brummie got 12 out of 12, equally 8 for reading. Admittedly the reading section I felt was quite subjective.

But its done, and never again! Apart from citizenship, which is another English test...


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404 posts

107 months

Saturday 20th May 2023
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Well trying to get ahold of the lawyer ($ vampire) is like trying to find lord Lucan!

Police check is due in next week (According to the auto email) and WES have received my paperwork, so that's mid June) Feels like we are making progress.

Looking back I wish I had done more English prep, but I also feel the exam is a bit naff, especially the speaking bit. But hay ho, someone has to make the dollar $$$

We are in Quebec for the long weekend, and guess what its raining! Just like being in Plymouth!!!!

Yes to beers!!!!!!!!


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404 posts

107 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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It's a bank holiday here and we hired a cottage in Quebec, just 2 hours north of Ottawa to stay for the weekend.

Its just been built, so a few building supplies around, lovely location. bit of a steep climb to the lake. Caught a few fish with my new fly fishing rod, but they were just near the bank so not real fishing .





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404 posts

107 months

Monday 22nd May 2023
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Ahhh the old cheese eaters.

Since we left Ottawa we haven't seen or spoken to anyone, Bliss! Although its two hours from Ottawa so a bit far out.

The prairies and West Canada does look completely different to the East, We are hoping to get out to Vancouver next month.

I'm quite enjoying not having to do any house / garden DIY, but looking after the pool and decking sounds cool. (Also it means you have one)

It does appear that the PR process is speeding up, last week Canada announced that the LMIA / LIMA process is moving to fully on line, so it looks like there is a modernisation process going on.


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404 posts

107 months

Sunday 18th June 2023
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Afternoon Shipmates,

Quick update:

We had out ACRO police checks back last week and my educational asesment and sent it off the Lawyer / Solicitor, So fimgers crossed we be in a draw (Every two weeks) and be selected for application!


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404 posts

107 months

Saturday 8th July 2023
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Afternoon All,

Are any of the Canadian PH’ers off to Coffee and Cars tomorrow at Landsdowne ?


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404 posts

107 months

Sunday 9th July 2023
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happygoron said:
Never been, and lansdowne is horrid to drive to. Let me know if it's any good though.
About 12 cars, bit of a flop.


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404 posts

107 months

Friday 4th August 2023
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Evening all,

So minor update, we have received our ITA for our PR application, so that’s a step closer to a house, which is closer to a garage, closer to my next car!


Original Poster:

404 posts

107 months

Thursday 21st March
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Evening All,

Apologies for the lack of reporting!

So since I last posted.....

We were awarded Preeminent Residency, back in early Feb, just waiting for the actual card and new SIN (NI) number.
(not having the card is a major pain, when I fley back from Europe, I had to land in Newark, then drive a hire car back in to Canada, as you cant fly or sail back in to Canada…..)

We purchased a house in Gatineau (35mins north of Ottawa, in the province of Quebec)

Did our first tax return, quite confusing and expensive! hopefully it is accurate, and I get to give the Tax man some more dosh!

we brought a new (to me) Defender 110 SE P400. After looking and testing pick up trucks, I just couldn’t do it. Too big and cant get my head around the tray back.

We have finished Ski lessons. which is very worthwhile, and I survived the course in one piece!


Original Poster:

404 posts

107 months

Tuesday 26th March
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RDMcG said:
Sounds like you have taken to it like a duck to water! very glad it worked out. I have no regrets about coming to Canada. Have fun!
Apart from the Tax return……