Immigrating to Canada in 96 hours!

Immigrating to Canada in 96 hours!



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107 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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RDMcG said:
I preferred Montreal but you must speak French to work there . Not negotiable. Great atmosphere, restaurants,vitality and had a house in Vermont for weekends.

Toronto is vastly bigger and it was a very good career move .I live in the city centre so miss the horrible traffic. Lots to do here, very interesting ethnic restaurants and of course English-speaking culture. Many more job opportunities but less fun.

Horrible weekend commutes if you want a weekend to place so have a winter place in Arizona which is a direct flight.

Both cities have long dark winters.
Bloody hell RDMcG a winter home in Vermont & Arizona, I'm in the wrong job!

So far we only found that Quebec was "really" French. I don't speak a word, but I'm doing online lessons, and the Mrs has been doing tutor lessons for a while. When we get settled there is a uni round the corner so we will try and do some night classes.


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107 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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Rich_AR said:
Yeh i guess the best thing you can do is take your DVLA extract, proof of the NCB etc when you exchange your license and hope they add the years on.

Looks like you can do that however - "if you want to earn credit for more than one year of driving experience, you will also need an official letter from the foreign government or agency that issued the driver’s licence, confirming that the licence is authentic".
Thanks Rich AR

We have got our NCB, a letter from my insures stating no actual claims or incidents in that period, and a download from the DVLA of my licence. Fingers crossed it works!

I did an insurance request on RateHub with 15 years driving experience and that was $1000! so loads better. Well it was a 2017 Durango R/T


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107 months

Friday 27th January 2023
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happygoron said:
Hey! I'm another PH'er in Ottawa! Welcome to the snowiest January I've known in a while! Not had a chance to read the whole thread yet but I also wish there were more interesting estate cars rather than SUVs.

Been here a decade or so now, happy to advise on various aspects of settling into Ottawa life. There is at least one other PH'er in town too, seems like the place to be!

If you fancy a beer sometime send a DM!
Hi happygoron

Happy to meet up for a beer next week!


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107 months

Saturday 28th January 2023
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Moring all,

so today we were up at 0500, dressed and ready by 0530, quick re pack and clean of the house then in the local Janner Taxi, a 2016 Transit!

Straight up the A303 to LHR 6 bags checked in. Only a slight re shuffle as one bad was 32.2kg and the belt wouldn't move, so had to swap stuff between bags. Then to the lounge ready for a 1310 flight!

But I forgot my personal laptop in my bag, which then led to the security guy showing me the 3d scanner, which lets them rotate the Xray!

Bonus points if you can ID the two game systems on the left of the image (I'll buy you a pint in Ottawa!)

I'm sat here belt feeding Rum & coke down my neck, the Mrs is redoing her CV, I was scrolling the 340i group on FB and saw my old car, and had my first pang of guilt / doubt about moving. But I'm sure the hire car will alleviate that (VW Jetta...)


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107 months

Saturday 4th February 2023
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Evening All,

So we are on day 5, and I thought I’d do a bit of a SITREP and list how we did stuff or our experience.

We aren’t experts in this, we had my new firm pay a lawyer to do it all, and everyone’s experience will be different. We have been incredibly lucky with who we have met, and that will not always be the case.
The legislation has changed even within the 3 months we have been conducting this move. I will try and supply the most up to date info, hyperlinks / advice, but as will all things on the internet.


These were booked by a travel agent at the dockyard, one way, Air Canada, Business Class. This was cheaper than BA, and a lot better than their Business class.

We had to pay another £250 for bags 5 & 6, all under 32kg, it felt quick (6 hours) no delays, nice food and loads of Rum and Irish coffees!


So you will read loads of conflicting evidence on this, across the Web, even from the CA website. We prepared to the 9th degree, massive folder with original documents, statements of wealth, education etc. I had a share point with 41 documents for immigration, a letter and pack from the solicitor etc.
We were provided with (

This is the minimum we were asked to take with us by the solicitor (I had loads more just in case, and I’m a sucker for internet urban legends. Hence why I don’t own a Range Rover, and always get my Rod bearings changed on BMWs…) #sucker

Copy of our submission letter;
Copy of the LMIA decision letter;
Copy of the employment contract;
Copy of the employment confirmation letter;
Duly signed Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form *please sign and date the IMM 5476 (section D, question 10);
Copy of your passports;
Copy of your marriage certificate *we recommend that you carry your original marriage certificate;
Copy of your CV; 
Copy of your credentials.

The reality for us was:

Got off the plane, went through customs in about 5 minutes. Then sat for 2 hours in the Immigration office, then when we were called up, it took about 25 minutes to be processed.
We spoke to the officer, gave her my letter of entry. She asked if I had a marriage certificate, I opened the folder of justice! She took a glance at it. Done., We did finger prints and photos, then a quick check of the certificate and we were on our way!


This was pre-arranged by my employer, we selected it after looking at Christmas. It was part furnished (ish) all we have to pay for is the internet. It’s a 2 bed apartment, on floor 5 of 9. Underground parking so no frozen car faff for us this year.

Internet & Phones

So Canada is massive, with very few people so little demand to spend loads on infrastructure. Also the two main providers are “Bell” and “Rogers” so zero competition.

We had a deal from the estate agents oppo:

2 x Sim cards, 15GB per month, unlimited texts, unlimited Canada calling. 1000 minutes call home (UK)
100GBS, unlimited wifi

All for $140 per month, after a load of discounts that last 12 months, so we will have to re-negotiate (Bit like UK car insurance)
We have only just had the WIFI turned on at our apartment, a chap came our and waggled some wires in the back of the wardrobe and it all worked, after 2 days of being on the phone with customer services asking me to turn it on and off again.

Problems so far

Banking: I bank with HSBC, so I thought a straight swap would work, as I mentioned a few days ago. As it turns out having a mobile number starting with +44, as opposed to +1 (Which is CAN and US) has triggered the Tax team to think I'm a Yank trying to dodge Tax, so my accounts in Canada have been frozen until they can assess that I'm not an American, which will take a week.

Furniture: Feels really expensive.

Weather: So this weekend is a -31 cold snap, so we will hide inside till Sunday. But its been warm overall this winter apparently, and the canal won't freeze so no ice skating for me.

Curtains: The wife wants some for the living room, and because thew are slightly bigger than standard, they are coming out at $700 with tax! WTF!!!

Good bits

Weather: I love the snow! and hopefully teh canal will freeze so I can (At least once) skate to work (Parking is terrible)

Electrical equipment: Feels cheap. I got a Samsung 32 inch, curved screen for $300 all in. The wife got a Samsung 24 inch screen for $180 all in. Ice skates were $100 (Not sure how much the medical bill will be...)

Eating out: feels normal prices and portions are massive!


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404 posts

107 months

Saturday 4th February 2023
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We got some from "Simmons" for $140 all in.

Also I haven't forgotten about the offers for a Beer, I'm just trying to find some time next week.


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404 posts

107 months

Saturday 4th February 2023
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We got some from "Simmons" for $140 all in.

Also I haven't forgotten about the offers for a Beer, I'm just trying to find some time next week.


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404 posts

107 months

Tuesday 14th February 2023
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Apologies for the lack of posting, been full tilt!

Getting stuck in to work, and attending work events.


Car buying With the first car being Mrs DSGRNMCMs it had to meet strict criteria:

Not be Chavvy, not be loud, be comphy, high (SUV) and have a parking camera. So Audi Q5 Premium it is (2018, $33K plus $4K Tax...) I tried to get a 2017 Macan, but it was $55k plus tax and didn't feel that great.

So we had to put a deposit of $500 down (Bank card limit is $400 a day, so more credit card faff. Then they survey the car (All cars in Ontario have to get a "Safety" (MOT) at the time of sale, and that sit until it gets sold again. Also they are doing the registration for licence plates, doing a service (Inc Diffs) and putting Witner tyres on. However they will provide an OEM boot seal but not fit it?

The bottom outer bit is broken.

Also new discs and pads.

Insurance has come down to $3450 for two of us, then I joined the CAA and got membership (Think AA on steroids) and asked them for a quote, with a 20% discount (Better be below $3000!!!!)

Next Banking:

We had to go in again today to sign for a joint account, bank cards and the extremely small daily limits. Not as slick as the UK, but now finally done.

Health cards:

They came in the post today, and we can now go on a waiting list.... great.


Same story, although the Mrs is getting stung with $550 for a check up, scrape and polish!

Road trip:

Next week (Fingers crossed) we will be driving (Hire car or the Q5) from Ottawa to Halifax for my work so we intend to go "over the top" there, and then back through the states on the way back.

Some snaps from the work expo:

Ice skates I used once, as the canal has not frozen yet.

Random roofed bridge:

Car saved day.... and more Trucks:


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404 posts

107 months

Tuesday 14th February 2023
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fourstardan said:
Not sure I could deal with the weather situation out there in winter, although properties are big enough for a golf sim biggrin

What lines of work are you doing in Canada?
Wasnt too bad today, got the Bus in and train home. Wore a shirt and body warmer. No need for a coat.

I'm doing Business Development (Ex Navy, its what we all do)


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107 months

Wednesday 15th February 2023
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Don't forget to get yourself an ESTA and an I-94 visa when entering the US by land.

Has your company provided health insurance yet? Dental is part of it and you only pay a small part of the checkups etc (i do anyway).

Did you get or view a copy of the Carfax for the Audi Q5? Rubber boot seal is easy to replace. I guess you're not buying from Audi if they ain't gonna fit it for you.

I found banking in Canada a bit like you're in the 90s. First day i arrived in Canada, I went into a branch (TD), with a salary letter from my company and they approved a half decent credit limit on a credit card.

How did you get on converting your driving license?

Thanks Rich_AR

We have our ESTA still from last year, what is the I-94?

Thye provided a basic Health insurance for 3 months, I need to sign up to my benefits programme (Thursday)

I agree, using cheques, everything is geared towards credit cards really odd.

The licence was a straight swap. Car insurance is still steep though.


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107 months

Saturday 18th February 2023
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fttm said:
Pay under a grand each for F150 and Jeep Grand Cherokee for 3rd party Provincial plates , topped up with a private fully comp package policy for another $400 each . BMW M3 (sold last year) was $160 for a 3 month plate during the summer . My youngest son at 17 was paying $700 to insure his RHD Subaru WRX STI , madness wink
WHAT! that is cheap as chips!!!!

We are stuck with $3500 for the pair of us for the first year.

However the Garage have not applied for finance yet, the bank is so new we don't have a statement to give them yet, but I want something on credit as we want to get a credit history going.

So tomorrow we are off in the hire car (1st world problems!)


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107 months

Friday 3rd March 2023
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So we did the road trip to Halifax and back, took a weekend to get there and the same for the return. Met some nice people, did some work on the ship then drove back.

Turns out I have an ESTA, just for my old passport.... tried to get one, but it took ages, so we drove back through Canada and didn't go through Maine as planned. Bugger....

Here is the view from the Main Mast of MV ASTERIX:

On the way home we pulled in to look at a house I saved on the real estate site,:

one problem....

In winter the access road freezes up! So it must be a summer home. Bugger.

But on reflection, with a new (2022) law being passed in the state of Quebec where: any legal professional will only speak in French. So doctors and lawyers for example.


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107 months

Monday 6th March 2023
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fttm said:
Clue is in the details , electric heating , deffo not all season . Go steady on the spending until you're both sure the move is working , ahem .
Thats the plan, to save as much as we can. As we dont know what the "real" cost of living is. Nor the tax implications.


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107 months

Tuesday 21st March 2023
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Evening all,

so today put container arrives with all our worldly goods, that we can't fit in to our apartment...

last week I met up with a PH'er! first time ever, and I had to do it in Canada.

We are getting settled, still have Tax and pension faff but have been taking some Ski lessons, and my legs are intact!


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107 months

Sunday 26th March 2023
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happygoron said:
I'm not even a powerfully built director, nor have I ever owned a 335d. Though I do know someone in Ottawa with one....
no way, I have not seen any BMW diesel cars. Only a few RAM diesel trucks.


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107 months

Saturday 6th May 2023
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Afternoon All,

Been busy with work so here is the latest update on Coronation day!

Met two Piston heads for dinner (seems like an age ago)

So we still have just the Q5, we need to swap the tyres over to summer tyres. Not sure how / if any damage will be done by driving on dedicated winters will do. We will use COSTCO for that.

Still bedding in at work, but really seeing the "Canadian" side of culture

We have started the PR process, mainly so we can buy a house. So far we have booked an English test, paid a university to verify that I did a course, paid Hampshire for a police check. Next is medicals and being "drawn" out to apply.

House in the UK, is still in the process of completing, its getting painful now. We caught (Nosey Neighbours() the estate agent letting the buyers in to have a look, which we instructed them not to, owing to the buyer mucking us around. But hopefully it will be all done by the end of the month.


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404 posts

107 months

Saturday 6th May 2023
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We went to punta cana for a week in the sun. It was quite nice getting an uber to the airport, instead of 4 hours on the M5/M4.

It was snowy when we left, and when we got back sunny, and now its really warm! summer is round the corner!


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107 months

Sunday 7th May 2023
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fttm said:
Glad all is progressing well . Not changing winter tires will just shag them out quicker , not that I use them .
That’s great thanks, off to COSTCO it is .


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107 months

Monday 8th May 2023
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The initial (Fag packet) assessment by the immigration firm is 680, but I will wait and see what really happens.


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107 months

Tuesday 9th May 2023
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My employer has a set of lawyers for stuff like this, and TBF they were rapid with the LIMA / Work Permits.

Although when I asked them, they wanted $750 for an assessment, and $4000 to process the both of us.

So far we have spent $1200 on English tests, ACRO Police checks, Education checks with medicals to follow...

So I just double checked the email, and the forecast score is 579, but that could go up or down by some with the English test for me. Additional points that aren't factored in are the wife's English test and education assessment.

We have been advised that as we have LIMA, Work permits, are in Canada, and work in Defence (Canadian clearance) it should be a breeze....... However when having lunch in the mess last week, loads of the government lot there were on strike, so I'm not holding my breath!

Looking at the social media stats 483 was the last score with only 3500 invited. TBH as long as we get the nod before Q4 this year I'll be happy.