Dartford Crossing hypocrisy

Dartford Crossing hypocrisy



Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 28th July 2009
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http://www.kentonline.co.uk/kentonline/news/2009/j... I seem to remember some halfwit government lackey telling us a while back that scrapping the tolls would cause more congestion, ho ho.

Westy Pre-Lit

5,087 posts

208 months

Tuesday 28th July 2009
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When was the last time you believed anything that come out of these idiots mouths.

They'll never scrap the booths due to the revenue it makes. Can't see why they just can't be honest for once, rather than treat everybody as if they are as idiotic as themselves.

Edited by Westy Pre-Lit on Tuesday 28th July 21:23

Andy 308GTB

2,955 posts

226 months

Wednesday 29th July 2009
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Westy Pre-Lit said:
When was the last time you believed anything that come out of these idiots mouths.

They'll never scrap the booths due to the revenue it makes. Can't see why they just can't be honest for once, rather than treat everybody as if they are as idiotic as themselves.

Edited by Westy Pre-Lit on Tuesday 28th July 21:23
If everything is paid off and they aren't not going to abolish the tolls purely for congestion reasons - why increase the toll for cars from £1.00 to £1.50?

Surely it can't be purely greed?


1,084 posts

201 months

Wednesday 29th July 2009
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The article said:
The Government claims it is because they provide a vital role in controlling traffic around the M25.
Is it April 1st?

So, lets get this straight then. The powers that be genuinely think that creating a five mile tailback every day between 4pm and 6pm is a viable way of controlling traffic on the M25? On Friday it would be quicker to build a raft and punt my car across the river rather than queue to get across.

Which fkwit decided that this was a good idea? How can the tolls not be seen for what they are? A horrific bottleneck as people get taxed for going across. Even having a Dart Tag (which I do) doesn't speed it up as you get stuck behind some gormless tt who can't find £1.50 and holds the line up. Don't even start me off regarding people who miss the change bin and then get out to try and retrieve their errant coinage.

Either drop the toll completely, or put in proper "DART ONLY" lanes that go over the entire bridge so at least those regular crossers can benefit. After all I thought one of the main principles behind a cheaper crossing for Dart users was to encourage them and reduce people scrabbling for change. Anyone using one of these lanes without a Dart Tag should be ritually strung up above the bridge and shot as an example to future offenders.

Hardly the best rant PH has ever seen, and the swear count is way off - but the crossing makes my piss boil on the best of days.


2,727 posts

229 months

Wednesday 29th July 2009
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"They" are not our pox ridden government any more. the government sold off the bridge and tunnel to a French Company. Hence "LeCrossing". As it now in private hands the toll will never be removed, it is a profit making company now.
Dont what the UK got for it and dont know where the dosh went but I could make a shrewd guess, but not online!


Original Poster:

59 months

Wednesday 29th July 2009
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I've got into the habit of saying "don't mention it" when handing over the ransom money nowadays

So, lets get this straight then. The powers that be genuinely think that creating a five mile tailback every day between 4pm and 6pm is a viable way of controlling traffic on the M25? On Friday it would be quicker to build a raft and punt my car across the river rather than queue to get across.

They really couldn't give a rat's arse about pollution or congestion.

Andy 308GTB

2,955 posts

226 months

Wednesday 29th July 2009
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3200gt said:
"They" are not our pox ridden government any more. the government sold off the bridge and tunnel to a French Company. Hence "LeCrossing". As it now in private hands the toll will never be removed, it is a profit making company now.
Dont what the UK got for it and dont know where the dosh went but I could make a shrewd guess, but not online!
That is piss-poor.
A nice windfall of cash for the Government who came up with this idea (I presume the decision came under the jurisdiction of the one-eyed, Scottish idiot) and an everlasting burden on the people who originally funded it...


2,727 posts

229 months

Wednesday 29th July 2009
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Andy 308GTB said:
That is piss-poor.
Understatement of the year. The tunnel toll was only supposed to be in force until it was paid for, then the tolls were to pay for the bridge now they are paying for some citreon loving twunts!


163 posts

231 months

Thursday 30th July 2009
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As i always said if 1000 cars and trucks got together parked on the m25 and staged a sit in. How quickly before they would do a u turn and let you through the tunnel or bridge for nowt.Did i read it turns over £83 million a year and makes £60 ish million profit.I understood a loads of bikers did exactly that by pulling up to the tunnel in there hundreds.Stopped there bikes took of there helmets and paid with a £20 note.Wicked and Hey presto! bikes go through now for nowt or was that info wrong?

Sorry to say this guys but after living in australia and being ribbed by the ozzys for months Being called winging pommes.And also stating that when the pommes arrive in Australia and on arrival at the airport the pilots switch off the engine but the WHINING!! carrys on.I finally had to agree with them that we brits are great complainers and in there words not very good dooers!!!.
It is always this way i think we enjoy having our pants pulled down!!.Put up or shut up my dad taught me!!.I am British and proud of it hence coming back here to blighty.

I have an astravan smaller than most estate cars but get stung for a van price through the tunnel.

I will put my van at the front of the protest if you guys will <back me up> .Probably not though!

Lets be absolutely honest if the government increased the fuel price tomorrow by 25%.Not only me but all you guys on here would still take it up the backside! moan like hell for a week then go down to tescos and fill up and grab some cheap flowers for the missus.And wow dont the government know it too.

One thing the ozzys did get right i have discovered since my return we certainly are wingers!!!and not doooers!!!.

Andy 308GTB

2,955 posts

226 months

Friday 31st July 2009
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popinoz said:
As i always said if 1000 cars and trucks got together parked on the m25 and staged a sit in. How quickly before they would do a u turn and let you through the tunnel or bridge for nowt.
This would never happen - a protest of this sort could be staged every day for the next 5 years and nothing would change.

Why? Because then the Government would have to buy the Bridge/Tunnels back from the French company... and Gordon has spunked every penny we've got.

Uncle Fester

3,114 posts

213 months

Saturday 1st August 2009
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The government said, in reply to a petition to remove the charge.

The Dartford-Thurrock River Crossing is a vital transport link for both the national and South East economies which has brought huge economic benefits and opportunities. However, more vehicles want to use the Crossing than it can accommodate, and studies indicate that without any charge traffic levels would be 17% higher leading to even more extensive congestion.

That is why, using powers agreed by Parliament and following a full consultation, a charge replaced the existing toll in 2003.

With continuing traffic pressures and the prospect of demand rising in the longer term The Department for Transport consulted on a change to charges in December 2006 including the removal of overnight charges, and a new charging structure that offered greater discounts for those who pay be electronic DART-Tag. The consultation also sought views about the possibility of creating a local resident discount scheme. In April 2007, the Department for Transport responded to the consultation, announcing that it would develop a local discount scheme. A further consultation in February 2008 sought comments on the local discount scheme. The new charging structure and the local discount scheme came into operation on 15 November 2008.

To deal with each of the three specific points made in the e-petition in turn:

• To say congestion is largely due to the effect of the toll booths is incorrect. For much of the day the Crossing is operating at or above its capacity. The tunnels could not handle any more traffic than the toll plaza can process. Under the new charging structure there are no charges at night when traffic is lighter - and there are incentives to encourage people to pay without cash. With more people using the Dart Tag, traffic flow through the charging booths will be smoother, helping to reduce unnecessary delays at the barriers. But barriers will always be necessary to manage traffic flows.

• Traffic modelling has also suggested that lifting the charges would dramatically and seriously worsen pollution on the Crossing. Air Quality Management Areas have been established adjacent to the A282 approaches to the Crossing. These require action to meet mandatory EU limits by 2010. The Highways Agency also monitors air quality annually.


Original Poster:

59 months

Saturday 1st August 2009
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Uncle Fester said:
The government said, in reply to a petition to remove the charge.

The Dartford-Thurrock River Crossing is a vital transport link for both the national and South East economies which has brought huge economic benefits and opportunities. However, more vehicles want to use the Crossing than it can accommodate, and studies indicate that without any charge traffic levels would be 17% higher leading to even more extensive congestion.

That is why, using powers agreed by Parliament and following a full consultation, a charge replaced the existing toll in 2003.

With continuing traffic pressures and the prospect of demand rising in the longer term The Department for Transport consulted on a change to charges in December 2006 including the removal of overnight charges, and a new charging structure that offered greater discounts for those who pay be electronic DART-Tag. The consultation also sought views about the possibility of creating a local resident discount scheme. In April 2007, the Department for Transport responded to the consultation, announcing that it would develop a local discount scheme. A further consultation in February 2008 sought comments on the local discount scheme. The new charging structure and the local discount scheme came into operation on 15 November 2008.

To deal with each of the three specific points made in the e-petition in turn:

• To say congestion is largely due to the effect of the toll booths is incorrect. For much of the day the Crossing is operating at or above its capacity. The tunnels could not handle any more traffic than the toll plaza can process. Under the new charging structure there are no charges at night when traffic is lighter - and there are incentives to encourage people to pay without cash. With more people using the Dart Tag, traffic flow through the charging booths will be smoother, helping to reduce unnecessary delays at the barriers. But barriers will always be necessary to manage traffic flows.

• Traffic modelling has also suggested that lifting the charges would dramatically and seriously worsen pollution on the Crossing. Air Quality Management Areas have been established adjacent to the A282 approaches to the Crossing. These require action to meet mandatory EU limits by 2010. The Highways Agency also monitors air quality annually.
Any single celled organism could see that there isn't one line of reasoning in that explanation that makes any sense at all. I bet they were stting themselves when we had that blackout last week, no jams and no congestion until they manged to get some power back on. By the way, is it just me or has there been a news blackout about the power cut? Nothing in the media about the "vandals" who caused it.


272 posts

202 months

Sunday 2nd August 2009
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not vandalls - metal theives....trying to nick cable

Uncle Fester

3,114 posts

213 months

Monday 3rd August 2009
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My wife works with people who were without power. They had to have temporary generators in their road.

Obviously everyone was going up to any passing electrical worker and asking when it would be back on.

Curiously, two of them who live a couple of miles apart were both told the same story by the sparks.

That story was that the remains of two toasted ex-pikey types had been recovered from the scene.

I’ve seen absolutely nothing in the media about this. Either the sparks were winding people up, or someone started a rumour at their work and they were being wound up too. Or there’s a cover up going on. With all the Coroners procedures, I would be surprised if they could just lose a couple of fatalities.

Westy Pre-Lit

5,087 posts

208 months

Monday 3rd August 2009
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Am I missing something here, why would you want to cover that up.confused


4,463 posts

253 months

Tuesday 4th August 2009
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The government said, in reply to a petition to remove the charge.........blah blah

I sometimes do call outs at department of transport offices and what most of you fail to see is most working there would 100% agree with the spin ste that is produced

walking through a Dft office it is clear it is staffed from the top down by employment rejects. You sit in reception wondering what freak Is going to greet you this time.

You also forget that this gov has a policy of causing congestion


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 4th August 2009
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Westy Pre-Lit said:
Am I missing something here, why would you want to cover that up.confused
Possibly fear of reprisal from the ninety odd thousand people, me included, who were without power for three days. Further to Fester's post, I've heard the score was two dead and two seriously injured.

Uncle Fester

3,114 posts

213 months

Tuesday 4th August 2009
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Did you hear any description?

I heard it was pikeys after the scrap metal. Perhaps it was regret at the low number of slices of pikey toast.

But what would make more sense is if it was (or was believed to be) terrorist action. The government wouldn’t want to give anyone else ideas.

There’s plenty of better ways to cause chaos than blowing yourself up in a crowd.

The major problem with government is that the information, advice and agenda setting it gets, comes from the civil service.

Unfortunately, the culture of political correctness is now so ingrained and endemic to the civil service that everyone in it espouses the PC line. They are too afraid for their jobs to do otherwise, ever since not being PC became a career killer.

Spending all their time in an environment where PC is normal, they usually come to believe the oft repeated lie. Even if they don’t believe it, they realise that the more PC they espouse, the better for their career.

So the rest of us suffer living in a country, plagued by increasingly bizarre rules, so their careers can be advanced.

In their world, PC is not just the new common sense; it has totally replaced common sense.

And breathe...


Original Poster:

59 months

Tuesday 4th August 2009
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Uncle Fester said:
Did you hear any description?

I heard it was pikeys after the scrap metal. Perhaps it was regret at the low number of slices of pikey toast.
I've got this from a friend who's high up in the electrical generating industry and who was also without power for three days. He won't say too much at the moment but will confirm that colourful Romany folk were in the vicinity at the time.

Westy Pre-Lit

5,087 posts

208 months

Tuesday 4th August 2009
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Oh well if it was pikeys no great loss there then, thieving little fkers got their just deserts for once. No doubt once the rumour mill starts grinding they won't be round for long.

Tbh when I first heard about it, I immediately thought terrorist action, I can see why they would want to cover that up.

Problem is it just shows you how vulnerable the whole network is really, hopefully it hasn't given some maniac ideas.