Looking for super car/cars to suprise adhd child

Looking for super car/cars to suprise adhd child


steve miles

Original Poster:

1 posts

191 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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Hi guys I’m in need of a volunteer or 2, to visit a children’s nursery based in Romford RM2 to surprise an adhd child. The child’s favourite cars are Porsche and Lamborghini. But any super cars will be absolutely amazing as he loves them all. Attendance would need to be any day or time between mon-fri and 9-5 when the nursery is open. Thank you for your help in advance ??

Edited by steve miles on Thursday 1st June 01:17


2,557 posts

88 months

Thursday 1st June 2023
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Not far from me but a Civic isn't quite a Lambo, even if a hotel valet made the mistake once :P

Could be worth asking on the Essex board / Pistonheads Essex facebook group! smile