Honest opinion of life in NZ plz...

Honest opinion of life in NZ plz...



Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Wednesday 14th April 2004
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We are starting to get really pigged off about a lot of aspects of life in Britain. It has been mentioned before, but now Vicki and her two brothers are seriously talking about closing the business down and moving lock stock and barrel to NZ.

Now, the initial consensus of opinion seems to be, and from talking to a few people out there, is that NZ is like England was about 30 years ago. Not in any bad way, but in a way that people still say Hello to strangers, and there isn't as much violence... just a much more pleasant way of life in general.

Also the weather seems to be much nicer, still having the seasons, just not as grey and miserable.

So basically, is it really that nice? Try to be unbiased please, this is a potential life altering decision. What is the level of income tax? Is there a good state health service or is it all private like America. Are the schools good? What are the average salary levels and house prices like compared to UK (eg. a decent 4-bed detached).

I know it's a lot of questions and subject to a lot of variance, but any info will be gratefully received

Oh... and most inportantly, how much is petrol, cos I'm sure as hell bringing the TVR oh



Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Wednesday 14th April 2004
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oooh, nice houses... nice prices (about a third of comparative houses in UK).

What's the rate of income tax?

And what job do you do out of interest. i work for an advertising agency, but Vicki's family business in in horticulture and manufacturing. I think their ideal would be to set up a big garden centre kind of thing.


Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Wednesday 14th April 2004
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kylie said:
The rates go something like 33cents in the dollar then I think if you earn over 60K goes up to 39cents.

ouch! that sounds worse than here! We are something like 22% upto £25k Sterling or thereabouts, then 40% over that. Not sure what that is in NZ dollars.


Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Thursday 15th April 2004
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jamieheasman said:

Currently, you cannot bring your TVR with you.

Oh ... forget it then, she's on her own

No, seriously, thanks for all the info Jamie. I will send the link over to Vicki so her and her bros can look at it as it they that are the driving force in any possible move.

By average salary of 30-40k, is that sterling or NZ dollars, and am I right in thinking there are about 3 dollars to the pound?



And I'll check at that site aswell thanks Joc.

>> Edited by burriana500 on Thursday 15th April 08:18


Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Friday 16th April 2004
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This is all good input, thanks

Like I said, the decision will be made by Vicki and her two brothers. They currently have a pretty large manufacturing company over here producing horticultural iron work, such as hanging baskets, brackets, obelisks that kind of thing - also do a lot of woodwork birdcare and feeders, oh, and they also manufacture lobster pots! Hey, don't jest, it's big business over here and presumably, as you're also an island (or two) is over there.

So, the financial backing / entrepreneur route wouldn't be a problem as they would be setting up a business over there and become an employer.

It's just which market to go for. How big is the garden industry down there compared to the MASSIVE pastime it is here? For example, we go down to Spain a lot and they are 10 or 15 years behind UK in how they use their gardens. In the UK the garden is now definitely seen as a major part of the house, and as much thought is put into it as say the kitchen or the living room.

once again, I will forward the link to Vic (as you may have gathered, she isn't a PHer and would see non-import of the Griff as a definite bonus )

thanks again.



Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Friday 16th April 2004
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Hey Richard - how come you managed to get the Chim into NZ within the last 12 months with all the new regs


Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Monday 19th April 2004
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jamieheasman said:

burriana500 said:
Hey Richard - how come you managed to get the Chim into NZ within the last 12 months with all the new regs

Shhhhhh! Are you trying to get him and his car thrown out? Let's just say he was very, very lucky!

nuff said

>> Edited by burriana500 on Monday 19th April 10:00


Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Friday 23rd April 2004
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A good, well made point of view. Thanks Roger.



Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Thursday 20th May 2004
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I know as, the originator of this topic, that I've been very quiet, but it's all getting read and passed on
Major downside not being able to take the Griff out though


Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Monday 26th July 2004
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Thanks for those last two replies Esprit and Mayflower.

Vicki's brother is still keen to go and is doing a lot of homework about finance requirements and investment/property over there. I found it a bit odd that although the cost price of housing is about half of comparable UK houses, rental costs are about the same, making buying some houses to rent out a viable option. Please let me know if tis is a load of rubbish.

On the car front... I may soon no longer have a problem about importing the Griff... what are they like on Ferraris?!


Original Poster:

16,556 posts

257 months

Monday 26th July 2004
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Cheers George - your comments will be duly forwarded

Nice TR by the way... you won't find many liike that in the UK!