Kiwi police voice recordings

Kiwi police voice recordings



Original Poster:

71 posts

51 months

Monday 6th April 2020
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Back in January, on a pre-coronavirus visit to NZ, we got pulled over by a - very polite - policeman. We couldn't figure out what we'd done to attract his attention as we'd been religiously observing the frequent variations in speed limits, hadn't knocked over any grannies or run down any children.

It turned out he was concerned that we were not getting back up to speed after the limit went up (for non-kiwis: the speed limit often goes down as you approach (say) traffic lights, then goes back up again afterwards. Very sensible). So my good lady has the dubious award of being a driver who has been stopped for going too slow !

The intriguing aspect was that, after examining her driving licence, the officer asked her to speak her name into a hand held device of some sort. He didn't say why & we were more than happy to just get on our way.
But it's something we haven't come across before. Can any Kiwi's enlighten me ? I'm guessing it's so licences can't be swapped around (the photos being basically useless, especially for women, where hair styles / colours may change) with the picture not being great to start with.


Original Poster:

71 posts

51 months

Tuesday 7th April 2020
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Thanks guys.