Recommendations for where to live, work?

Recommendations for where to live, work?


Jimmy No Hands

Original Poster:

5,014 posts

159 months

Sunday 10th March 2019
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Hello all,

Early June me and my partner will be arriving in NZ on a 12 month working holiday visa, so looking for recommendations on the best places to a) live, b) work and c) sightsee. I realise a lot of suggestions will be down to personal preference but as much information as possible is appreciated.

Primarily, finding work will be fairly paramount. I don't know what the job market is like at all, but coming from Western Australia I am hoping it can't get much worse. (At least rurally) Obviously we can't accept any permanent roles so this will likely be hospitality or horticulture. I've 'just' become accustomed to Perth's ridiculously sky high day to day living costs, what is NZ like in this regard?

We are gravitating towards Christchurch not for any other reason than we have a close friend living there currently. (Also have friends in Auckland, and Wellington)

We both like a bit of night life and things "happening". i.e some local events, festivals, markets. With options to live in a suburb with good transport links and rent that won't make me wince, too much.

Thank you all.