

Original Poster:

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286 months

Thursday 29th July 2004
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I posted this in General Gassing, but since it's locally relevant and I know some members of this forum don't look at GG then I've duplicated it here:

I've been severely pissed off today, really not feeling all that well as I've been taken out of action due to a rather nasty flu I've contracted whilst trying to get over a chest-infection I'd been suffering.... anyway... I went down to the chemist this afternoon as I decided I'd had enough fighting this virus straight and the pain in my sinuses and ears was such that it was becoming largely unbearable.... I was after some panadol (paracetamol) and stuff as I was out but what I was really after was some "codral", "Coldrex" or similar, something with some active ingredients (pseudo-effedrines) to clear up my sinuses and ears, which are going to become infected if they remain blocked for too much longer.... now in NZ, lately these have been in the news as these drugs, although non-prescription, are being used to make pure methamphetamines (or "P")... as such, largely these are on restricted sale.... as in they need ID etc to purchase them.... sweet, I'm sorted...

Anyway, walk into the first chemist, get some panadol, get some immune-boosting stuff and some nasal spray and walk up to the counter and ask if they have anything that can be used to releive my flu-symptoms... they offer me paracetamol.... I say I've got some but need something stronger... "oh", the lady replies, giving me a suspicious and dirty look, "we don't stock them any more" ..... fine I say, make my purchases and leave thinking that genuinely they don't..... I tried two other chemists and got similar reactions at each of them which began to get me suspicious and well pissed off.... I went to a supermarket and was just walking past chemist #3 when a lady walks out with exactly the drugs I was asking for..... which REALLY REALLY pissed me off......

Okay, so here I am, a model ing citizen, work REALLY hard for my money, pay more taxes than 90% of people my age, hven't had so much as a parking ticket in terms of trouble with the law in over 2 years and only parking tickets previous to that for the rest of my life and I can't buy ing drugs to help me get over my flu..... I appreciate the fact that they're trying to clamp down on the drugs problem in New Zealand but they didn't even make any ATTEMPT to help me... as in assuming ever single 18-30 year old male is scum and a drug dealer.... ing ridiculous muppets! I was dressed as I normally do for work so I wasn't unkempt or anything (smart-casual).... only difference was I was wearing a beanie (my beanie to be precise)... to keep my head and ears warm as it's mid-winter and I've got the flu.... I've got no tattoos or anything so I wasn't looking too unwholesome but still couldn't get any joy.... this country ing sucks and I'm out of here in a year or so, I've had enough....
In the end, I contacted my mother who contacted a family friend who owns the country's largest chain of pharmacies and was able to sort me out a chemist up here that could give them to me... albeit a 30 minute drive away...... bloody useless bunch of tosspots..... I just don't appreciate being boxed in with the scum of society based on my agegroup and sex..... lesson learned.... I aint giving this country any more than I have to from now on.... it can get blimmin bent!

I think today we live in society where the young, heterosexual male is public enemy number one..... our country here is run by a closet lesbian who thinks she's above the law and generally I'm being made to feel like a criminal and useless in society by just about every other group and I'm bloody sick of it.... it's time to take the power back..... I know that England is just as bad, maybe I'm going to have to move to Australia.... are things any better there?


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Thursday 29th July 2004
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Whitey, valid points.... have been getitng more and more advice to move back to blighty lately... come back carve a niche, block out all the shit going on in UK society and make some headway... the same crap society is the same everywhere it seems, just in NZ things are more stagnant when it comes to forgint a future.

and yes, bedrest for me till better.... I needed the break from work.... blessing in disguise? :P


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Thursday 29th July 2004
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good advice, thanks paws..... duly noted....

Someone suggested that maybe trying to buy drugs while wearing a beanie that said "speed Matters" on it mightn't have been the best idea


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Sunday 1st August 2004
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Cheers Kylie,

I'm getting over it slowly and back into battle at work tomorrow even though I'm still only 80% there.... got a couple of big projects that need my attention, I think the yanks are wanting more of our carbonfibre military stuff now so that's always a nice lil money spinner for the company
The chest infection cleared itself until the flu hit then it set back in... thankfully after 2 (sunny) wekends in bed (can you say cabin fever?) I'm coming right.... Hopefully by the end of the week I'll be fighting fit.... got to get back to work and earning money so I can get a V8 lump built for the TR


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Tuesday 3rd August 2004
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Heheh Roger... you forgot to add the [shamelessplug] [/shamelessplug] tags for that one .... I had been neglecting my diet lately, I usually take vitamins but I stopped taking them when I ran out.... and of course I got sick.... mind you, my colleageue that hasn't had a cold or flu in 3 years is bedridden with it at the moment so I guess I just got hwat everyone else seems to be having.... on the mend now though thankfully


Original Poster:

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286 months

Wednesday 4th August 2004
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Lol what are you Izza? my MOTHER?.... and it's 6 years thankyou very much.... since I've left home my diet has been VERY Cornish Pastie-deficient..... something I try to rectify each time I go home :P