

Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Tuesday 20th July 2004
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Posted this in general gassing but thought I'd duplicate it in the local forum... saw this released this morning and am VERY pi$$ed off...... I HATE Helen Clark, she's a TERRIBLE leader and her party's policies are gonna kill this country, I've already promised myself that if, after the next election, the political situation here remains as bad or worse (IMO) then I'm moving, I can't STAND another 4 years of being a$$raped by this sodding government who clearly hold themselves above the law!

News said:

Police have launched an inquiry into a speeding motorcade used to get Prime Minister Helen Clark to the Bledisloe Cup rugby test on Saturday night.

The three-vehicle convoy covered the 209 kilometres from Waimate to Christchurch in two hours on Saturday afternoon after a mechanical problem caused the cancellation of her flight from Timaru to Wellington.

Waimate Mayor David Owen reckons the trip normally takes 2½ hours, though he used to do it in two before traffic increased and speed cameras lurked over every hill.

He said Miss Clark's motorcade – two police vehicles and a ministerial limousine – would have travelled at speeds of up to 125km/h to get her to the airport to catch the 3.45pm flight to Wellington. Witnesses said the motorcade travelled even faster.

Raymond Mitchell, of Timaru, told the Holmes show last night it "flashed past" him in a 50km zone on the outskirts of Temuka at 140 to 150km/h.

"They were dangerous. I was bloody horrified," said his wife, Debbie.

Warwick Wright, of Christchurch, said he tried to lodge a complaint on the police hotline for mobile phone users when the motorcade "steamed" past him at Templeton but was told he could not because the car was the prime minister's.

"Quite frankly I was rather peeved when I watched the rugby that night and saw her there," he said.

The police investigation follows a complaint from a member of the public.

The Office of the Police Commissioner said it had been advised the motorcade was conducted at speeds "in excess of the posted speed limits". The commissioner's office said police escorting Miss Clark had been faced with a "difficult situation" when her Timaru flight was cancelled.

A spokesman for Miss Clark said she gave no instructions to her police escort and did not know how fast the motorcade had travelled.

"She didn't look at the speedo. She was working in the back seat."


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Wednesday 21st July 2004
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Don't worry Paul... we can marry (sorry.... CIVIL UNION) and then u can get ut UK citizenship that way lol


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Thursday 22nd July 2004
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jamieheasman said:
What this thread IS about is a politician, the leader of a country, who has based her whole political career on being an environmentally friendly, passive, nuclear-free, be-kind-to-children-and-small-animals goody-two-shoes, endangering people's lives for a game of rugby and then blatantly lying about it.

Nail, head, BANG


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

286 months

Friday 23rd July 2004
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paws... yes, NZ has been good, but so has the rest of the world.... labour have been scamming the country and using the money they get from it to buy the lower socio-economic vote.... we pay more taxes than ever, have higher crime than ever, and have a traffic enforcement policy that labels you as a nurderer if you speed...... unless you're the PM