Do Police Over Here............

Do Police Over Here............


Negative Creep

Original Poster:

25,132 posts

232 months

Sunday 14th March 2010
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Actually do anything besides sit at the side of the road in speed traps?

Reason I'm wondering is just from what I've seen since getting here. I wouldn't say the standard of driving is worse, but the condition of the cars certainly can be. I've seen plenty of cars with bald tyres, no brake lights, front bumpers missing and driving with both mirrors folded in (seriously, anyone that retarded ought to have their licence torn up in front of them). Then there are the boy racers, who in Christchurch seem to be everywhere. I've seen people doing burnouts and drifting on public roads in the middle of the day, yet they seem to get away with it. Living near an industrial estate, every night I get the 'pleasure' of listening to someone testing their car and it's rev limiter. Yes you should enjoy driving, but not in a way that's plainly dangerous.

Or is all the above ok as long as you don't speed?


4,391 posts

262 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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Negative Creep said:
Actually do anything besides sit at the side of the road in speed traps?

Or is all the above ok as long as you don't speed?
Is this a wind up Creep or goes with your lovely user name wink ??!!!!

A few personal friends are cops and no they dont just sit on the side of a road eating donuts and issuing tickets as many may think so. A typical day for an Officer out on the beat will consist of: dealing with domestic crimes, finding homes for lost toddlers, first on the scene of an accident, contacting siblings of a death, rape, burglaries, armed robberies. I am shocked what they fit in on a single shift sometimes and tbh they they well underpaid also for the baggage they have to carry mentally. They risk their lives, serve and protect us. Unfortunately we only get to see them when we are issued a ticket for speeding. Be greatful it is just that and not a visit to your mum explaining how you wrapped yrself around a power pole.

Anyway there is no doubt we need more cops on the road for sure. Everyone has their complaints, just dont ever say they arent doing their job.

Negative Creep

Original Poster:

25,132 posts

232 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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I should have qualified that I was only talking about motoring matters, not their other duties. My bad


6,370 posts

288 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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I think the OP's point is that of the cops dedicated to road policing, they seem happier to sit on dead straight, fine pieces of road issuing tickets for 112km/h rather than sitting in suburbia and observing all of the plain bits of bad driving on display everywhere you look.


15,832 posts

235 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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Sometimes instead of (a)Doing real police work* or (b)Issuing speeding tickets they (c)Hide in the bushes with a camera taking photos of cars and send tickets to people who put a wheel over the centreline. And when you when you write to them about you get told it doesn't matter if it was the safest place to be, you get a ticket anyway.

And then they wonder why people don't respect them...

* Note: (a) may not often be applicable in the case of Highway Patrol officers.

Atom Johnny

1,072 posts

181 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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It's only common sense that drivers of fast cars can afford to pay their fines while owners of dilapidated old bombs can not.

BTW There is no such thing (officially) as revenue gathering by issuing speeding infringement notices.

Jem Thompson

930 posts

187 months

Monday 15th March 2010
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Seems that truck drivers are doing the job of catching the bad drivers now.

Theres a brilliant clip of a yellow BMW Compact in that video coming through an intersection sideways and jumping the median strip right in front of the camera (mounted in a truck).

I do respect the police most of the time, and they do only sit hiding with the speed guns on main highways, in general. If you stay alert it is possible to make decent enough progress, and if you aren't driving like an idiot I have noticed a little bit of leniancy. There is always a more fun route than SH1 anyway wink.

Edited by Jem Thompson on Monday 15th March 08:34


246 posts

288 months

Tuesday 16th March 2010
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Esprit said:
I think the OP's point is that of the cops dedicated to road policing, they seem happier to sit on dead straight, fine pieces of road issuing tickets for 112km/h rather than sitting in suburbia and observing all of the plain bits of bad driving on display everywhere you look.
George you're right on the money. If they were sitting on death traps I would applaud them. But no instead you will generally find them sitting in spots where they know there will be a steady stream of victims aka nice straight sections of rural roads. As a dad I get pissed off when walking my son in suburbia to see clowns (young hoons through to pensioners) flying down 50kmph roads at speeds in excess of 70. I'd love to see thousands of speed cameras deployed in these areas, but alas I know where they would really end up...


317 posts

215 months

Tuesday 16th March 2010
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Im sure just like most police forces they ARE doing their job! Some units will be patrolling for speeding while others will be looking for murderers...... u just dont see them thats all!!

LOL at Truck cam!!! Pay some notice to the second clip with the the car crossing infront of the truck without stopping....... and then look at a photo I took of our street in Christchurch NZ............

We live just to the right of the shiny thing in the distance LOL


4,637 posts

179 months

Wednesday 17th March 2010
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Atom Johnny said:
BTW There is no such thing (officially) as revenue gathering by issuing speeding infringement notices.
Oh, really.......scratchchin

Atom Johnny

1,072 posts

181 months

Wednesday 17th March 2010
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cheddar said:
Atom Johnny said:
BTW There is no such thing (officially) as revenue gathering by issuing speeding infringement notices.
Oh, really.......scratchchin
No, officially. rofl

M Spencer

26 posts

171 months

Monday 28th June 2010
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If , across the board , 10 % of people are 'expert' drivers,
I.E. would be safe lapping Pukekohe within 2 to 5 secs of
lap times in production events .UN Modified. Inc Tyres.
without endangering anything ! theres wouldnt be better.

Ministry of Transport had a requirement that ALL drivers
spent TWO YEARS on Motorcycles, before driving cars.ANY
intelligant motorcycle rider would know considerably more
about 'road conditions' than any CAR driver,as they have
uniterupted direct contact.Smells and Sounds.Also if
there inobservant in wet or cold conditions there on there
backside.Which is a strong incentive to improve there abilities.

What the country needs is Full Time Trained 'Traffic Officers'
Not amatures who are preoccupied with 'other issues'. Ordinarily
a recipie for disaster.Most police time appears to be taken up
with behaviour engendered from obseving television combined
with alcohol. N.Z. WAS'NT like this BEFORE TELEVISION.Or
'liberal' missEDUCATION.And were told people are more
inteligat than before !? Traffic Officers should be
undistraced by emotional traumers outside there
field of work.AND have ordinarily earned?
twice what I have for putting up with
and producing a darn site more.
ALSO , Having had one outside the window snivling at a person
at two in the morning (with his siren ) about he'd Sworn at him.
& reading the riot act, im less convinced of there intelegance
than ever. If they arrested everyone supplying alcohol , AS IT
IMPEARS ONES JUDGEMENT as theyed have us believe, we might start
to be safe.As soon as they give up drinking ! .


823 posts

289 months

Sunday 4th July 2010
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The last long-weekend we had the police announce in advance there would be a reduced tolerance to speeders and there was a record low in terms of accidents and fatalities by the time people went back to work. What they failed to mention was the fact there was TWICE the number of patrol cars out on the road doing a good old fashioned job of nicking stupid drivers, not sitting behind hedges with hair dryers. It's such a shame that certain quarters decided to interpret the results the wrong way.

If my own experience is anything to go by (talking to friends who are in the force), the police on the business end of the job hate this revenue-gathering approach to their jobs too. Trouble is, overall policing strategy isn't controlled by real policemen/women but by politicians who sit behind a desk all day counting beans.

Pork Girl

184 posts

269 months

Friday 30th July 2010
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New Zealand is the only place in the world i've ever been nailed for speeding in nearly 20 years of driving!

I was done on a straight bit of road with no other cars on it.

Still, whilst they pursued me halfway around the world to fine me, they couldn't give me points - result! smile


6,016 posts

215 months

Tuesday 3rd August 2010
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GravelBen said:
Hide in the bushes with a camera taking photos of cars and send tickets to people who put a wheel over the centreline.
Whoops, I drive straddling the line all the time on empty south island straight roads, especially at night, guess I won't anymore.

Pork Girl said:
New Zealand is the only place in the world i've ever been nailed for speeding in nearly 20 years of driving!
I was done on a straight bit of road with no other cars on it.
Same here, except I don't learn the first time so it happened twice.


15,832 posts

235 months

Tuesday 3rd August 2010
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cottonfoo said:
GravelBen said:
Hide in the bushes with a camera taking photos of cars and send tickets to people who put a wheel over the centreline.
Whoops, I drive straddling the line all the time on empty south island straight roads, especially at night, guess I won't anymore.

You'll probably be fine as long as you don't do it during the day while in close proximity to Queenstown.


4,614 posts

281 months

Wednesday 4th August 2010
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GravelBen said:
You'll probably be fine as long as you don't do it during the day while in close proximity to Queenstown.
or Kaikoura . Mate from the UK got snapped there as well....