Car Valeting Auckland



Original Poster:

18,718 posts

257 months

Tuesday 31st March 2009
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Hi-Can anyone recommend a detailer in Auckland? I'm after an outfit that 'really' knows what they are doing. More paint correction, clay bars and the like. Ive got some swirl marks and a few light scratch marks id like to remove. Cheers Adam

Tony Starks

2,247 posts

223 months

Tuesday 7th April 2009
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I'm a very long way away in New Plymouth, but whilst I was in the UK I ran South Coast Detailing and am know on Detailing World as Alex L (I like Ironman hence the username).

And I'm probably the only person I know of who that does this in NZ (only in my spare time over here as the hours were killing me, it feels nice to just clock off work at 4pm and go home and relax now lol).