trip to new zealand.



Original Poster:

1,636 posts

242 months

Wednesday 25th February 2009
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hi all. looking for some insider knowledge for a forthcoming trip down under. i've got a wedding to go to at the end of march near auckland. i'm flying with air new zealand and am thinking of spending a week on the north island and then maybe having a look at fiji. i've got almost 3 weeks down under in total.
any advice greatly appreciated.


4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 27th February 2009
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Hi, your best bet is to perhaps base yourself in Auckland for a few nights and see the sights, hire a car to get around as out public transport system is rubbish compared to yours frown Depends what you like to do, theres so much to do in such little time. Go up to Bay Of Islands, snorkle with Dolphins, boating, wine tours, heritage trails, health Spas, tramping, fish and chips on an emtpy beach etc. Then you can go down to the Coromandel and Tauranga to see some amazing beaches and more amazing scenery. Head over to Rotorua to some thermal resorts, bungy jumping, Luge, hiking, mountain biking or just relaxing by the Lake side. Head further south to Lake Taupo, offers the same again. Chopper rides, water activites, thermal resorts and Motorsport park.

Fiji has just had some major flooding at the moment so I cant comment. Neighbours just got back from Rarotonga and said it was awesome though. Ive been twice before which is NZ currency and extremly beautiful all the same.


1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 28th February 2009
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...keep in mind, too, John, that Autumn is approaching and that, although we here in Auckland have a fairly anodyne climate, the South Island (such an imaginative name)can be surprisingly chilly from here on in. Of course that has its upside too; ski season is only about 3 months off!


4,614 posts

287 months

Saturday 28th February 2009
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pneumothorax said:
hi all. looking for some insider knowledge for a forthcoming trip down under. i've got a wedding to go to at the end of march near auckland. i'm flying with air new zealand and am thinking of spending a week on the north island and then maybe having a look at fiji. i've got almost 3 weeks down under in total.
any advice greatly appreciated.
Head North,
bay of islands,

doubtless bay
Karikari peninsula,
(Rangiputa is nice and matai bay for nobody and nothing there)

I'd skip Fiji and spend a week in the south island
