

Original Poster:

11 posts

200 months

Tuesday 24th February 2009
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Hi Folks,
Another successful series has concluded & the Ondrack TVR managed to survive the three rounds relatively intact. Fortunately when it does stop or break something it seems to be at a convenient moment to allow repairs to be executed in time for the next race or meeting. Joseph Lucas & Holley Fuel pumps had their reputations abused @ the final Teretonga round-the only one I attended- but in Mr Holleys case I think he might be a victim of circumstance, the jury is still out on Mr Lucas though.
We also had the company of X Kiwi Ross Nichol from Melbourne in his Replica GT40 to add to the mix with more of this type due to compete next year.


16,013 posts

241 months

Tuesday 24th February 2009
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Was meaning to get there again but just too much else on this year. frown