Targa Bambina 7/8 March

Targa Bambina 7/8 March



Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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If anyone fancies coming out to say hello and do a bit of spectating, the first car leaves from the Pukekohe Memorial Library Complex on Saturday 6th at 9:30am. Sunday's start is from Papakura Accent St carpark at 8:25am.

Full route, entry list and spectating info is in this month's Classic Driver / Driver Magazine.

George - no mention of you and Ange in the start list?


281 posts

227 months

Thursday 19th February 2009
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No, we're not doing Bambina - just a bit much going on and can't give it the head space it needs.

We'll be out spectating though.


4,391 posts

268 months

Thursday 19th February 2009
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If I can drag the OH out of the scratcher that early, will be there. Be nice to catch up with you Ang and George, its been yonks.


281 posts

227 months

Thursday 19th February 2009
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Is there a competitor list out?


Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th February 2009
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The entry list is linked off the Targa home page, or clicky

We're a bit surprised to see a couple of E30 M3s have arrived into our category (3). I would have thought they should be in Cat 4 as they didn't stop making them until 1992. Oh well... just have to go faster round the corners to make up for the power difference - what could possibly go wrong... wink


281 posts

227 months

Thursday 19th February 2009
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Interesting - looks like a few early model chassis with late model engings pushing them into different classes, now they have changed the rules from the last year of manufacture.

The rules would still appear to favour 'production' turbos, no restrictors with stock intake/ exhaust (size) but engine management is free. Can't reduce the weight but can significantly increase the power....


Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th February 2009
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Our plan is to try to keep this one on the road for a couple of years and then decide if we want to drop down to Category 2 when we're eligible, or power up to a turbo or S2 spec. A bit short of racing funds now for obvious reasons, but if you hear of any 3.0l or turbo engines going at any stage please let us know.


3 posts

215 months

Monday 23rd February 2009
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So when can the latest issue of Driver/Classic Driver expected to be out? It has been a while since the last one.


Original Poster:

2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 23rd February 2009
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It wasn't on the shelf when I looked the other day either - I thought maybe it was sold out already. Its not something I normally read, but was said it would be out 'mid February'.