Car run this Sunday 22nd March

Car run this Sunday 22nd March



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Hi guys, theres a handlful of us doing a run this Sunday from North Harbour, if your interested in dusting off the P&J for a hoon, email me for further details, long range forecast is for good weather smile

Sayonara smile


16,013 posts

241 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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How far you going? hehe Meet you in Tekapo wink

Edited by GravelBen on Wednesday 18th February 02:47


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Don’t tempt me, wouldn’t take me long wink

Actually a ladette in a lovely yellow Elise will be escorting us to a vineyard afterwards for entertainment, how fast can you get up here??

Forgot to add AH email kyliesmith @


16,013 posts

241 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Kylie said:
Actually a ladette in a lovely yellow Elise will be escorting us to a vineyard afterwards for entertainment, how fast can you get up here??

As you said...Don’t tempt me, wouldn’t take me long wink


1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 21st February 2009
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Have fun folks! (or IS it next month?) oh, and Kylie: anyone claimed this plate in NZ yet?


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 22nd February 2009
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Fraster said:
Have fun folks! (or IS it next month?) oh, and Kylie: anyone claimed this plate in NZ yet?
Cheers Roger, not sure about the plate options here would have to see.

Just some random pics to share of todays adventures, loads of fun driving

Second stop in the Waitaks

Marks shiny new 19' deep dish rears, lovely!

Last stop after vineyard to a pool party. The OH best mate owns a 37 Ford Hotrod, every part of car totally modified - quite clearly Lol!!. It is awesome. Kids palying in the car and source of music for pool party.

Edited by Kylie on Monday 23 February 08:24

Jem Thompson

930 posts

193 months

Monday 23rd February 2009
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How far North are you heading? I know a great loop that heads through Silverdale and Wainui before heading up SH16 for a bit, then goes east across the West Coast/Woodcocks Rd, a great bit of tarmac. You can either go back the way you came or head back to Auckland via the new tunnels, which should be fun in a Lotus. I did this loop in a rented Corolla recently and had heaps of fun. Sadly I am carless at the moment. At least its a so called buyers market out there right now.


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 23rd February 2009
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Hi Jem yeah thats pretty much where we went smile Its a fantastic loop, plenty of lovely twisties and straights for some speed wink we turned off onto Old North Rd and made our way past Matua vineyard and back towards Murawhai then back roads to Kerr Farm Vineyard, simply stunning drive and lucky with the weather too !

Edited by Kylie on Monday 23 February 08:23