DISC03 - Plate....



Original Poster:

29 posts

241 months

Tuesday 17th February 2009
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Just seen on tradme the number plate DISC03 forsale. Opening bid is $280, seems a good price to me seeing as i have a Discovery 3.
Whats the catch then or is this a reasonable price. The seller assures me it includes transfer of ownership and not just the plate.
Your thoughts please ?


1,267 posts

251 months

Tuesday 17th February 2009
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Obvious point but...I've started so I'll finish: opening bid may be low but what's his reserve?


772 posts

294 months

Tuesday 17th February 2009
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$275 has met reserve

Id say the value of most personalised plates is alot less than the value of a new one.

Would be a limited number for Discoveries in NZ who are in the market for a pplate atm so the price is probably pretty fair. Especially given its not DISCO3 or any other combination which other owners might find more desirable.

Whether its dodgy, to me theres nothing to indicate it is but Im not guaranteeing it tongue out


Original Poster:

29 posts

241 months

Wednesday 18th February 2009
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Well i've got it now for $275 plus $8 for postage of the plate. I feel pretty content that i haven't paid over the odds and i guess thats the main thing.