New bits for MX5 :)
Hmmm so after getting it back road-legal again my cheapo trademe shortshift kit (should have known better) has decided to fall apart 
Well its only the plastic bushing on the bottom of the shifter thats gone to bits but with the effect of a very loose floppy shift lever and a bare metal end in the shift mechanism, so back to original shifter it is. Except my gearknob now seems to be a little too firmly attached to the shortshift lever, and I managed to rip one of the rubber gaiters taking it off. And then while screwing things temporarily back together one of the 3 bolts which holds said gaiter onto the shifter turret decided to shear off, just lovely!
So its gonna be a few more days before I can take it out for a thrashing...
ETA: Any suggestions on the easiest way remove a 10mm bolt with the head sheared off?

Well its only the plastic bushing on the bottom of the shifter thats gone to bits but with the effect of a very loose floppy shift lever and a bare metal end in the shift mechanism, so back to original shifter it is. Except my gearknob now seems to be a little too firmly attached to the shortshift lever, and I managed to rip one of the rubber gaiters taking it off. And then while screwing things temporarily back together one of the 3 bolts which holds said gaiter onto the shifter turret decided to shear off, just lovely!

So its gonna be a few more days before I can take it out for a thrashing...
ETA: Any suggestions on the easiest way remove a 10mm bolt with the head sheared off?

Edited by GravelBen on Tuesday 17th February 22:28
Bugger eh... Can you drill it through and replace with a bolt & nut? Or drill through & retap to a larger size? Or with more cost and effort for a proper job drill through and put in a helicoil insert. I have managed to drill out the middle of a bolt and pick out the thread before, but there's a high risk of ruining the thread.
Hmm might have to try drilling, though it could be ok leaving it with just 2 of the 3 holding it down as theres never going to be much force applied to it - you can see the bit I'm talking about (smaller of the 2 gaiters, covered with muck in one photo) in this linky:
Are you handy with a wielder ? Wield a bolt to it and keep trying.
Know how you feel I got my @rse smacked by the OH just recently when trying to remove the master cyclinder for cleaning and polishing and sheared the corroded bolt off
Was able to drill and tap and place new SS bolt in there with proper anti seize goop.
Good luck
Know how you feel I got my @rse smacked by the OH just recently when trying to remove the master cyclinder for cleaning and polishing and sheared the corroded bolt off

Good luck

The fulla who knows what he's doing started drilling then hooked the end of the drill bit onto a sharp broken edge of the bolt and unscrewed it with that.
Apparently left-handed drill bits are generally the best way to do it, once they bite into the top of the bolt it'll unscrew rather than letting the drill bit through unless its really stuck.

The fulla who knows what he's doing started drilling then hooked the end of the drill bit onto a sharp broken edge of the bolt and unscrewed it with that.
Apparently left-handed drill bits are generally the best way to do it, once they bite into the top of the bolt it'll unscrew rather than letting the drill bit through unless its really stuck.
Edited by GravelBen on Thursday 19th February 02:19
Just use a screw extractor. Drill a hole in the bolt and insert extractor. They're very cheap, SuperAuto/Repco etc all stock them.

Just be very careful when drilling the hole in the bolt that it is straight and use a centre punch to get started.
Edit: Oops, just got home from work and didn't refresh the page before posting

Just be very careful when drilling the hole in the bolt that it is straight and use a centre punch to get started.
Edit: Oops, just got home from work and didn't refresh the page before posting

Edited by iwilson on Thursday 19th February 04:26
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