moving to nz - can I start my own business?

moving to nz - can I start my own business?



Original Poster:

2,302 posts

221 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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There is a chance I'll be moving to NZ with my kiwi girlfriend but I quite fancy starting my own business if we go over. I'm a mechanic with years of experience, good at my job & specializing in Porsche the last couple of years (along with Holden!).

Is there any kudos in a uk mechanic specializing in euro cars over there? Is there enough work for me? Are there any costs involved I'll have missed?



6,371 posts

294 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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Hi Ant,

Generally speaking, NZ is a rather easy country to run a small business in. As a country, our economy is pretty much reliant on small businesses as we have no real large industries (on a global scale) perhaps beyond the large dairy conglomerate; Fonterra.

Euro cars (of almost any kind) are typically perceived as "prestige" over here. Given our climate, they last a lot longer and as well as the modern Euros we've got tonnes of E30 BMWs and cars of that era here as well. I know in some circles, the Porsche/Ferrari industry here is very protectionist, although I'd imagine there's room for a competent specialist to start up here. I'd say you're looking at starting VERY small though and building up via word of mouth and reputation is the best bet as I'm guessing that luring people away from the main dealers would be difficult.

Given we've more Porsches/Ferraris here per head than any country on earth you'd think there'd be more specialists, but as far as I'm aware, other than those that cater more specifically for the classic market, there aren't a LOT of specialists around so there may be a gap in the market you can squeeze into if you're good and can offer a competitive service.


31,343 posts

265 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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Can only realy talk about chch but you cant swing a cat wiothout falling over a garage here, no idea how they all make money as is.

If you get into a specialised corner I'm sure you'll be fine, lots of euro, porsche and holden stuff here.

As for starting a business , been 'self employed' before and it wasnt a hastle, certainly I think (if you've a work visa!) it'd be fairly straight forward. Dont expect overnight success though, word of mouth is key ehre and also is breaking into kiwi society/business, wouldnt call it a closed shop but you are tending to deal with people who have grown up together in close knit communities.


4,391 posts

268 months

Sunday 8th February 2009
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Hi I have one example of an ex Audi mechanic from Germany who emigrated a few years back. He moved all his family out and set up his shop in a semi rural place in Auckland, this being just a large double garage, single hoist and most of his money spent was in the latest diagnostics. He spent a few weeks going around all the local supermarket shopping carparks with his own advert flyer planting them on all Audis and vw, of course I was happy to read the fine print where it said my hourly charge out rate is $50/hr where dealers are $80/hr +. For me I was sold and the fact he was only 10mins drive from home with courtesy car was a done deal!! He’s now built up a large cliental and when ever I need to get it booked in it’s a 1-2 week wait!