Subject for NZ motorsport doco?

Subject for NZ motorsport doco?



Original Poster:

1,267 posts

251 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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When I lived in England in 1979-80 and was making a less than spectacular impression at Jim Russell Racing Driver's School -fuelled by my wages of 30 pounds a week working in a motor parts store in Leeds (by 'eck, some of uuz 'ad it toof!)I at least had the opportunity to live dreams of glory vicariously through this man: He was my age and seemed to be destined for glory....and then he vanihed. I'd love to hear his side of the story...and I know a successful doco maker!


Original Poster:

1,267 posts

251 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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"Vanihed": -obscure word used by very clever people,far too high-brow to be found in dictionaries. Meaning: vanished.


772 posts

294 months

Friday 6th February 2009
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After leaving F1 and motorsport, he's had a variety of jobs in between sightseeing:- a special needs teacher in Merton, a helicopter pilot, steeplejack and miner. Has appeared at a few historic events recently. Lives in the south of the UK, and in his spare time, likes to surf, skateboard and climb and also runs a skateboard and surf shop.


Original Poster:

1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 7th February 2009
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Thanks Paul! I spoke to my doco friend today who says not enough there for a doco but that Sunday or Close Up may be interested...