


Original Poster:

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278 months

Saturday 24th January 2009
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Has anyone used previously known as carfax?

I'm looking for a cheap (up to $10k and 10 years old) SUV/4x4 and have found a low mileage Chevy Blazer which has been sat around awaiting 'cosmetic' front end repairs.
This explains its low mileage as it has sat around for 6 years!

What I was wondering, has anyone used carjam or similar to get a structural damage report on its import. Will it just confirm it was damaged at the time of its import to NZ or do these reports detail the extent of the damage?

Also, do insurance companies rate damaged cars here? Like 'Cat D' or 'Cat C' etc as in the UK. If I were to buy this, would it flag up somewhere if I ever sold it and be stuck with a damaged repaired vehicle?