Friend in NZ For A Year And Thinking Of Buying XR6

Friend in NZ For A Year And Thinking Of Buying XR6



Original Poster:

672 posts

195 months

Saturday 17th January 2009
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Friend of mine is spending a year in NZ travelling round and is thinking of buying an XR6. Dont know much about them, would be 02/03 onwards so AU onwards, is that right. Is there anything to look out for, any problems with them. Is the engine a 4.0 V6 the same as the Explorer we have in UK?

tim the pool man

5,154 posts

228 months

Saturday 17th January 2009
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Better to get a BA than an ugly AU. The 4.0L six is a straight 6 engine not a V6. I believe it is only used in Australian built cars? IIRC it is still the old block but now has a twincam 4valve head, approx 180KW.


Original Poster:

672 posts

195 months

Saturday 17th January 2009
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tim the pool man said:
Better to get a BA than an ugly AU. The 4.0L six is a straight 6 engine not a V6. I believe it is only used in Australian built cars? IIRC it is still the old block but now has a twincam 4valve head, approx 180KW.
Yes sorry my mistake, 2002 on so a BA, not an AU, you're right they are ugly