Sydney car rental recomendations?

Sydney car rental recomendations?



Original Poster:

196 posts

226 months

Wednesday 14th January 2009
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I'm flying to Sydney end of March and driving to Jervis bay for a steam car gathering then driving back to Sydney and flying out after 7 days. Any recommendations for a cheap rental company who will deliver and collect from Sydney airport? Couldn't give a toss what the car is, cheap is the important thing. It's going to sit for most of the time as I hope to blag rides in the various steam cars. Can't wait, must start practising my gracious wave.


7,257 posts

253 months

Saturday 17th January 2009
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Nothing immediate springs to mind, but Sydney Airport is run by Mac Bank, so nothing is cheap, even getting to and from the place. Only the main players operate fromt the airport. Best bet would be to scour internet for anywhere within a short cab ride - look for Botany, Marrickville, Tempe, Alexandria - check an address on Might be better off putting this in the Oz forum too.