Anyone in recruitment?



Original Poster:

17,320 posts

247 months

Wednesday 7th January 2009
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Morning all,

Well, 5 weeks today and I'll be in Wellington. Ok, only for 3 weeks, but I'm about to take voluntary redundancy so might be looking for a job sooner rather than later. Whilst I appreciate the global crisis reaches everywhere, just wondered if anyone is in the idustry who might be up for a chat when I'm over.

Thanks in advance,



1,267 posts

251 months

Wednesday 7th January 2009
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Which industry, Nick?


Original Poster:

17,320 posts

247 months

Thursday 8th January 2009
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Oh yeah, sorry....Banking.


2,191 posts

278 months

Thursday 8th January 2009
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Not in the industry myself but see whats on offer here

Many finance companies have hit the wall in the last year so still an industry that has felt the effect in NZ.

Have a good look around for lifestyle change as well as career. You may prefer a job away from the rat race!!


Original Poster:

17,320 posts

247 months

Thursday 8th January 2009
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Thanks mate. Yeah, I'd love a change of career, as banking bores the hell out of me, TBH. However, it's all I can do to pay the bills! I'll certainly be giving it a lot of thought over the next few weeks though.

Thanks again.