Jet Boats...for a homesick Kiwi guy...

Jet Boats...for a homesick Kiwi guy...



Original Poster:

2,605 posts

236 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Hi All,

Does anyone here run a Jet Boat in here?

The Mrs and I are looking at buying one from New Zealand for use on rivers and locks up in Scotland.

We are looking at the standard type 152a on this site -


Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks.


16,013 posts

241 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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My flatmate works on them (builds engines for Shotover Jet etc), I'll ask him sometime if I remember.

Edited by GravelBen on Saturday 20th December 08:57


1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Some time? IF you remember???? You don't have commitment issues do you by any chance, Ben??


Original Poster:

2,605 posts

236 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Hi Guys,

Where abouts back home are you two?ETA - as in town, not city - I can see that bit :-) - I'm from Wgtn...

Edited by Droptheclutch on Saturday 20th December 09:06


16,013 posts

241 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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hehe Committment issues? Just flat out at work (at work right now in fact) trying to get a contract out before I go away for Christmas, can't guarantee remembering to do much at all!

Location-wise, I'm down Central Otago way, Cromwell to be precise smile

Edited by GravelBen on Saturday 20th December 09:08


Original Poster:

2,605 posts

236 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Still at work? You nutter ;-)

Cromwell, what a spot, mmm. I love the S.Island.


16,013 posts

241 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Believe me I'd rather not be working at 10pm on a saturday night, teacher boss decided to inform on wednesday that he wants this one out to tender on monday. Would have been nice to know a week earlier but hey thats life. Clocking up the overtime anyway. moan

Know what else is good about the South island? This:

Empty roads,brilliant views etc...

Edited by GravelBen on Saturday 20th December 09:25


Original Poster:

2,605 posts

236 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Stop that already! ;-)

I know, I used to get down to the S.I quite often (more top of the south tho).

The roads around Wgtn used to be pretty good. My fave was the Rimutaka's out of Upper Hutt to the Wairarapa...yee haaa!


221 posts

251 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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This is the best source of info on NZ Jet Boats the most active users are Chch based as we have the best rivers. Very friendly bunch to.


1,267 posts

251 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Hi DTC. I was watching The Water Horse with my Kids and it was interesting to see that The "Loch" was actually in the South Island! Interested to see you describe yourself as "conflicted Greenie" Any clues on how you reconcile the two enthusiasms? I aim to plant a stload of trees, and ! I use CANVAS SHOPPING BAGS!


Original Poster:

2,605 posts

236 months

Saturday 20th December 2008
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Fraster said:
Hi DTC. I was watching The Water Horse with my Kids and it was interesting to see that The "Loch" was actually in the South Island! Interested to see you describe yourself as "conflicted Greenie" Any clues on how you reconcile the two enthusiasms? I aim to plant a stload of trees, and ! I use CANVAS SHOPPING BAGS!
Hey there :-)

Firstly, please do excuse me, I have had a bit to drink this evening...

Have not seen the Water Horse yet, but thr Mrs would like to (so would I, but I shant admit that to her, LOL)

As for the "conflicted Greenie", well, we will be moving in the next 6 to 12 months, to a new pad, complete with at least 6 acres so we can grow our own veg, plant fruit trees, have PV cells, a wind turbine (location dependant) and hopefully a wee bit of hyro power (loc dependant also) too. A stload of trees is also on the cards!! LOL.

We will hopefully be carbon neutral by the end of it all. The biggest buzz will have to be eating food WE produce and also turning on the lights/telly etc and knowing that was us too, and not some big corporation. Sweeeeeet!biggrin

ETA - yes, we use canvas bags too, the link! Classic!

Edited by Droptheclutch on Saturday 20th December 20:12