Motorsport events, around Wellington area over Xmas?

Motorsport events, around Wellington area over Xmas?


Flying Toilet

Original Poster:

3,621 posts

222 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2008
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Hi all,

Making the trip over to NZ from rainy England on the 22nd of December with the Mrs to see her Mum and other family over the festive period.

I was wondering if any motoring events were on between the 23rd and the 12th of January.

Last time i was over i made it to 2HOT2HANDLE and wondered if anything similar was on?

If it's Drag Racing result! But seriously anything will do!

Got a hire car so will travel.

Thanks in advance,


16,013 posts

241 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2008
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246 posts

294 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2008
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You're in luck.

Summer nationals at Taupo, halfway between Wellington and Auckland on the 2nd of Jan and the Dragmasters at Meremere, just south of Auckland on the 10th of Jan. V8's vs. rice rockets.

Flying Toilet

Original Poster:

3,621 posts

222 months

Wednesday 3rd December 2008
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Thanks both, Drag Masters could be a plan!
