new Motorsport park in Auckland

new Motorsport park in Auckland



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4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 26th November 2008
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That would be good, but I dream of the day they utilize an old airport with a decent length of runway to try out top end speeds I think theres a need for this - something thats a bit different from run of the mill tracks smokin
The whole whinging about the speedway noise at western springs is so wrong. Many of those residents moved into the area after speedway was built. Moving the location because of a few residents putting up a fuss would be a shame.


6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 26th November 2008
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I'm guessing this will become a drift-park or something similar... can't see a dedicated circuit being built there, not with Hampton Downs about to come on-line... although it depends, if there's private backers out there with enough cash, it could.

I'm guessing it'll be developed into a legal kinda boyracer hangout and drifting setup, or possibly a drag-strip to replace the well-past-its-due Meremere.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 26th November 2008
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"The Manukau City Council said today it had won a special motorsport zone for Colin Dale Park near Auckland airport."

Hmmmm . . .

I'll admit to being a little confused, but pleased if it works out.

Does anyone recall a campaign to generate submissions in support of the zoning proposal ?? No ???

Now for the appeals banghead