Car Hire, One way?



Original Poster:

2,795 posts

219 months

Sunday 23rd November 2008
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Evening all,

My Aunt and Uncle are going to NZ in January and they are looking to hire a convertible.

"I am trying to find a company who does convertible in New Zealand and I am not having much luck - there seems to be some system whereby you have to leave the car at the ferry port on the South Island before crossing to the North. We are flying into Christchurch on the 7th Jan and out of Auckland to Brisbane on the 25th."

Can anyone help?

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 23rd November 2008
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Most hire companies offer one-way hireage for an additional fee.

A convertable would be somewhat rare and that is the height of the summer / school holiday season. Leaving it a bit late.


7,563 posts

276 months

Sunday 23rd November 2008
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I rented an MX-5 from drivenz ( in Christchurch earlier this year. They'll do one-way rentals to Auckland, albeit with a fee to move the car back, and don't have a problem with you taking it on the ferry.

I did a lot of searching around to find them - there's not many companies outside of Auckland that rent out convertibles, they're a rare enough sight on the road in the first place!


2,670 posts

211 months

Sunday 23rd November 2008
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I recently hired via Avis a pick up in Wellington - drop off in Auckland - 1wk hire for a Toyota Camry was around £170 - there didn't appear to be a one-way fee on this. Then in the USA did a 2 day hire from SF to Vegas and got stung 300 USD for the one-way fee!


7,563 posts

276 months

Sunday 23rd November 2008
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Should also mention on my previous trip I hired with and they didn't charge a one-way fee. I don't think they do as long as your journey ends at Auckland, and especially if you're going south-north. Again, no problem with hires going across on the ferry.

They're more at the budget end of the market, cars are older but they do the job and are very cheap. You certainly won't get a convertible from them though.


772 posts

294 months

Monday 24th November 2008
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I was at the ferry terminal yesterday and one of the companies is advertising Wellington to Auckland for $10 a day provided you can get there in 3 days. Probably shorter time period than you want and I cant remember the company but it gives you an idea.

Most people fly into Auckland and drive south so rental companies will do good deals for people driving the other direction.


Original Poster:

2,795 posts

219 months

Monday 24th November 2008
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thanks everyone, i'll pass these on