British car fest Waiuku this weekend
Thanks for those pics Kylie - the yellow Tuscan I assume is the one bought recently by the French chappie up north that was posting on PH a few months back about its history. Did you talk to the owner - would be interested to know what his plans are for it.
$65k for the Griff seems a bit on the high side now there is an import route for them, but I guess not everyone can be bothered with the hassle.
$65k for the Griff seems a bit on the high side now there is an import route for them, but I guess not everyone can be bothered with the hassle.
Omerta said:
Thanks for those pics Kylie - the yellow Tuscan I assume is the one bought recently by the French chappie up north that was posting on PH a few months back about its history. Did you talk to the owner - would be interested to know what his plans are for it.
$65k for the Griff seems a bit on the high side now there is an import route for them, but I guess not everyone can be bothered with the hassle.
No I didnt talk to the owners sorry, I am not sure if 65K is a good price for that model r not. Not my cuppa though, but if I was presented with a new Sagaris......$65k for the Griff seems a bit on the high side now there is an import route for them, but I guess not everyone can be bothered with the hassle.

I'm a bit puzzled. There seems to be a consensus on this forum that a Cerbera(say) is now importable, but Jim G, who i spoke to in Waiuku (an acknowledged expert in TVRs) says it's still not possible to get a TVR on the road here, unless it is 20 yrs-plus OR built in 2006. He says there may be a loophole, but isn't elaborating just yet....So how did Pascal get the Tuscan vin-ed I wonder?
Was talkin to Jim about this the other day... seems there's some minor ting with the way TVR displays their type approval data that doesn't meet with our legislation... something to do with some bits being on one label and some on another.... whereas the wording states the two must be on the same label.... something like that anyway. It's purely a red-tape thing, absolutely no REASON for it, but Jim's been talking to some fairly high up people to get it changed as it seems there's no reason for it.
Jim Gamsby is your best point of call for all TVR registration questions and issues as he has devoted dozens and dozens of hours of his time working through the various issues helping owners get there cars on the road.
PM me if you require his contact phone details or email him at
gamsby at xtra dot co d nz
PM me if you require his contact phone details or email him at
gamsby at xtra dot co d nz
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