Moving to NZ with the girlfriend (possibly)!!

Moving to NZ with the girlfriend (possibly)!!



Original Poster:

210 posts

203 months

Sunday 19th October 2008
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I'm considering a move to NZ (probably South Island) for at least six months, sometime in the next 2 - 3 years. My girlfriend has said she would go with me, however her job (typist/ receptionist) does not fall under the skills shortage list whereas mine (QS) does!

What does this mean for her gaining a visa? Can she go on a tourist visa until she gets a job?

Also, just out of interest how is the construction industry in NZ? Is it on the slowdown like here in the UK? Any QS's offer some advice on jobs etc?

Any advice on the above, gratefully received.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 19th October 2008
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Huge slowdown in the residential construction market. At least 5 of the 10 biggest developments have gone into receivership in the last few months. Not sure about commercial but there is a lot of recently completed vacant GFA around so I'd imagine it's about to slow.

Also QS is not treated the same way in NZ as it is in the UK. The way that many projects are managed and contracts are configured, there are many large projects that have no professional QS as all.

Ironically it could be argued that the current troubles would make the QS profession more valued.


17,320 posts

247 months

Sunday 19th October 2008
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Wished you'd posted this a week ago. There was a NZ expo at Olympia this weekend, which was a bit of a recruitment fair. Most of the stands there were for the construction industry, and they were getting rather a lot of attention. Not much help really, but in my research to date, I don't think you'd struggle wit a job offer.

Good luck.


31,343 posts

265 months

Monday 20th October 2008
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If you've been together long enough (and have evidence of) she can be included on your work visa application as a partner and may add a few points, checkout NZIS's website points calculator.

There ant any 6 month work visas though, theres working hols ones (30 or under) and work visas/WTL or PR stuff I think only.


22 posts

197 months

Tuesday 21st October 2008
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We have girls here


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 21st October 2008
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nzsimon said:
We have girls here
Just dont move to Dunners......biggrin