Silver Fern rally pics



Original Poster:

16,013 posts

241 months

Thursday 16th October 2008
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A few shots from today, more here:

Unusal choise of rally car:

Whoops, almost off the bank:

Edited by GravelBen on Thursday 16th October 12:38

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Thursday 16th October 2008
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So when are you going Pro ?


2,508 posts

295 months

Thursday 16th October 2008
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wow great photos! I can almost taste the gravel dust in my mouth here at my desk in London! smile


2,013 posts

262 months

Thursday 16th October 2008
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Great pics! thumbup

Incidentally, that mountain range reminded me of your National Park comment. How much thought do you reckon went into naming that remarkable range of hills across Lake Wakatipu... wink


4,391 posts

268 months

Thursday 16th October 2008
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^^^ Actually only cause I couldnt spell Ngauruhoe (sp)!!!

As per usual nice piccies Ben smile


Original Poster:

16,013 posts

241 months

Friday 17th October 2008
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Thanks guys, a few from day #2:

Edited by GravelBen on Friday 17th October 10:45


2,670 posts

211 months

Monday 20th October 2008
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Just got back from a tour of the South Island, unfortunately was unable to catch up with the Silver Fern Rally - but did see one chap's slightly bent MK II Escort on the 2pm Blue Bridge Ferry today wink made self known but not sure if they are on here.

When I find a connection quicker than 33.6K I will check the pics out! BTW fantastic roads!

PS there appeared to be a classic tour going on as well, saw some classic Jags, Chevrolet, MG, Triumph Stag between Nelson and Picton ... top viewing!