Flying into Wellington!!!
Ok, so we've all seen the youtube vids, and I expect most of you guys have experienced it. I'm a big girl when it comes to flying, but the windiest airport in the world...Christ!
The Mrs's mum texts earlier to say that on a scale of 1-10 (1 being lovely!) she's just had a 15!
Now she flies very frequently, so knows wat to expect....but a 15???
I'm thinking a drive from Auckland to Wellington now!
Anyone any experiences?
The Mrs's mum texts earlier to say that on a scale of 1-10 (1 being lovely!) she's just had a 15!
Now she flies very frequently, so knows wat to expect....but a 15???
I'm thinking a drive from Auckland to Wellington now!
Anyone any experiences?
If she flew into Welly in the last 24 hours then I can imagine she might have had a pretty interesting landing. Even by our standards it's been wild - hardly got much sleep last night with the whole house shaking with each northerly gust!
Don't worry, they usually manage to get them down before running out of runway. Which is good because at the end you've got a 20m drop to the road and high voltage trolley bus wires, then the sea
Don't worry, they usually manage to get them down before running out of runway. Which is good because at the end you've got a 20m drop to the road and high voltage trolley bus wires, then the sea

Omerta said:
PS... if you haven't bought yet, don't rush - we haven't seen the bottom of this market yet.
Not even the beginning *rubs hands with glee*- I'm a non home-owner delighted at the fact that in a couple of years the housing market might have come back to a semi-sensible level where I can actually afford to own a home.
O.K so this ones a bit hairy
In all seriousness I've been in and out numerous times and have lived to tell about it
In all seriousness I've been in and out numerous times and have lived to tell about it

I must have flown into Wellington ±30 times. Probably half were a bit windy. If you hadn't noticed the weather forecast the hint is when they collected all the coffee cups early and get really nazi about all carry-on luggage being properly secured.
As long as the pilot flys decisively ON TO the deck (which is most of them) I find the landings fine, even if it's a bit of a thump. The bounce landings are much worse.
My worst incident was spilling coffee on myself getting bumped at the baggage claim. Mad panic, taxi to a menswear, new shirt, change in the shop, MISS ONE OF THE PINS !!!, taxi to parliament for a select committee, arrive to discover the hearing was delayed 2 hours.
As long as the pilot flys decisively ON TO the deck (which is most of them) I find the landings fine, even if it's a bit of a thump. The bounce landings are much worse.
My worst incident was spilling coffee on myself getting bumped at the baggage claim. Mad panic, taxi to a menswear, new shirt, change in the shop, MISS ONE OF THE PINS !!!, taxi to parliament for a select committee, arrive to discover the hearing was delayed 2 hours.

Omerta said:
Not the previous, the one I edited... don't worry about it.
So this thread probably isn't too helpful to a nervous flyer, but don't miss the experience of flying in. Truly hairy flights don't heppen all that often.
Ok!So this thread probably isn't too helpful to a nervous flyer, but don't miss the experience of flying in. Truly hairy flights don't heppen all that often.

I'm currently trying to covince the OH that'll we'll hire a ice car, and drive down...she's proving a tad difficult to break down, but I'm still on it!
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