MG display in Wellington on Sat 30th

MG display in Wellington on Sat 30th



Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Friday 29th August 2008
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Bit late notice but if anyone is around Wellington tomorrow we are having a display of MGs to celebrate the clubs 50th anniversary.

Appears to be mostly just for the club itself rather than a public display as such but everyone is welcome.

Down by the harbour by the NZX building.

From late morning onwards.

Ill have my Midget there, feel free to come up and say Hi


Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Sunday 31st August 2008
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In the end we had 28 cars (plus a TR4 bandit). Fair amount of interest from random people, particularly since it wasnt advertised.

Heres some of my better photos

Possibly my favourite NZ based MG. MGCGT

My car cool

My cars clone

MGA Twin Cam

TB. Basically a pre-war TC, they only made 339 of them in 1939

One of the 10 MGBs Rod Brayshaw sold as new cars in 1988. This one has a Rover V8 in it, some had 4 cylinders of which one of them was in the display too.




Thought this pic was funny. All the cars are level at the front, as they get closer to the camera theyre getting newer except for the SA which should be second from the end instead of at the end.

Edited by Bull1t on Tuesday 2nd September 10:08

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Sunday 31st August 2008
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Ahhh, memories (sigh) I had a '58 ZB Magnette 20 yrs ago,which I sold as the oxidation became too much for me. The guy who bought it restored it beautifully, painted it powder blue and promptly sold it. I've never seen it since. When I owned mine there seemed to be a few around in Auckland but I haven't seen one for ages!(apart from at the car day in Waiuku last Nov) It was a surprisingly nimble and practical car and I'd be tempted again!


Original Poster:

772 posts

294 months

Monday 1st September 2008
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That is a 58 ZB too. Its owned by the same guy who owns the MGA Twin Cam. Heres a better photo

Cant remember if it was for a ZA or a ZB but I always remember one of their advertising slogans that they were "Air Smoothed"

Edited by Bull1t on Monday 1st September 12:07

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Tuesday 2nd September 2008
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Thanks for that!I would buy this if I had any mechanical aptitude at all: