Noisy muffler fails MOT, thank god VTNZ is on the ball.

Noisy muffler fails MOT, thank god VTNZ is on the ball.



Original Poster:

196 posts

226 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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I am of course taking the proverbial.
My mother who is in her 80's and doing just fine thank you has owned her Japanese import RAV4 for about 10 years. When she bought it it had a large stainless muffler mounted cross wise below the bumper with a 50mm tip. Nothing else, not even an enlarged pipe. No annoying sounds when you rev it, just slight rumble on the overun. Anyway my Dad also in his 80's took the RAV in last week to VTNZ who failed it as it was not the standard noise and it must be standard. This is all subjective, there is no meter etc.
So you (a) pay some LVVTA extortion to get a plate at kaching $350 odd. or (b) you replace the muffler which was what happened. So my mum's RAV is now no quieter but it has a "standard" sound.
Oh Goody. We've all been saved from a white haired grandmother terrorizing the neighborhood. I'm sure the residents of CHCH will sleep more soundly knowing VTNZ is on the ball.
Grrrrr! And these same tards along with LVVTA will be enforcing the new emissions proposals. Which so far have in two separate things I've seen, talked about measuring the CO2!! I hope they've got a bloody big bag to catch it all in.


6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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Perfect example of how crazy this country's become.... too many stupid laws being enforced by jobsworths.

Dan M

278 posts

294 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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The vehicle shouldn't fail if the noise is similar to standard (which for a RAV4 is 82-86dBA on the tailpipe test) so either VTNZ got it wrong or it was noticeably louder, I wouldn't like to speculate on which. Whatever, they are not the kind of user to be worried about!

The LVVTA test does not result in a cert plate, just an aluminium exhaust label and test pass sheet, and costs in the region of $150.

A lot of exhaust garages have sound level meters now so they can do a quick check to see whether it is close to the 95dBA limit. This may be cheaper than a replacement muffler and may be enough evidence to persuade a WoF guy.

As for emissions, where have you seen CO2 quoted? It is used in reference to vehicle emissions for climate change policy.



16,013 posts

241 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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Ahh, VTNZ. Failed me once for having condensation in a foglight rolleyes


329 posts

269 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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Dan M said:
A lot of exhaust garages have sound level meters now so they can do a quick check to see whether it is close to the 95dBA limit.

Is that limit at certain revs??? I guess a few V8s would have trouble with that.


256 posts

260 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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alex.tvr said:
Dan M said:
A lot of exhaust garages have sound level meters now so they can do a quick check to see whether it is close to the 95dBA limit.

Is that limit at certain revs??? I guess a few V8s would have trouble with that.
Hopefully I'll let you know next week when the TVR finally gets out the garage, has it's engine massaged by a loving mechanic and submitted for complience. I do have track day silences (the ACT ones that bolt on the exhaust and stick out about 3-4 inches) - winder if it's legal to leave them on perminantly...Dan?


11 posts

200 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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FWIW JO's TVR had 88dba @ full throttle when checked @ Levels raceway a couple of seasons back- that was after a couple of quick alterations to cure a 97dba reading in practice. Now he wants the missing legal 7dba back!, some guys are hard to


2,508 posts

295 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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jeez, does this 95dba apply to older cars as well? ie Hotrods etc?


6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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My Exige is going to fail miserably.





... then I'll tell them to blow me because it's a factory standard exhaust system in good working order and they're powerless to do anything.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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Esprit said:
My Exige is going to fail miserably.





... then I'll tell them to blow me . . .
Are you hoping they'll install a super-charger ?? confused



813 posts

245 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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I wonder how I would have got on with them had I kept the Ultima!

It was easily 105db with the factory standard cans!

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 16th July 2008
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peterpsg said:
I wonder how I would have got on with them had I kept the Ultima!

It was easily 105db with the factory standard cans!
Mid engined so you'd be allowed a couple more dB

Dan M

278 posts

294 months

Thursday 17th July 2008
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dcoupe, the method of measurement is different at tracks - it is usually measured trackside as cars drive past.

This test is half a metre from the tailpipe, engine held at steady revs unloaded and then through deceleration to idle. This deceleration part is often where open exhausts peak.

The revs used should be 75% of the maximum power speed for a car (bikes = 50%) - if your engine produces max hp @ 6000rpm then the test should be conducted at 4500rpm. If the revs are unknown then there are standard figures to use, for example:
4 cylinder: 4000rpm
8 cylinder: 3000rpm

Cars with the engine behind the driver get an extra 4dB to allow for the additional mechanical noise measured along with exhaust noise.

Hot rods are not exempt, they have to meet 95dBA as well.

Volume production vehicles will have met a drive-by test so in standard form don't have to also meet the tailpipe test.

As for TVRs and other low volume production vehicles, drive-by tests may not have been conducted so 95dBA should apply instead. I haven't tested any TVRs so don't know what level they will be but plenty of Holden and Ford V8s with sports exhausts are between 95 and 100. I believe the SVA test (for kitcars) in the UK has a 101dBA limit.

Zaphod, glad to hear the Chimaera is coming out of its deep sleep. Track day cans may be ok, if they are securely fixed to the vehicle. If you want to get a noise test, let me know.


4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 15th August 2008
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So mid engined car is allowed 95 + 4db = 99? Or am I reading this wrong? Kinda useful to have this in the glove box.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 16th August 2008
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Kylie said:
So mid engined car is allowed 95 + 4db = 99? Or am I reading this wrong? Kinda useful to have this in the glove box.
My understanding is that's correct, but it's in the testing procedures not in the rules themselves.


6,371 posts

294 months

Saturday 16th August 2008
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
Kylie said:
So mid engined car is allowed 95 + 4db = 99? Or am I reading this wrong? Kinda useful to have this in the glove box.
My understanding is that's correct, but it's in the testing procedures not in the rules themselves.
Would be nice to get a confirmation of this as every bit of confirmed information when you're in an argument with a particularly officious WOF inspector or by the roadside with a copper is useful smile

Dan M

278 posts

294 months

Saturday 16th August 2008
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
Kylie said:
So mid engined car is allowed 95 + 4db = 99? Or am I reading this wrong? Kinda useful to have this in the glove box.
My understanding is that's correct, but it's in the testing procedures not in the rules themselves.
That's correct, it's in the LVVTA standard:
A 4dB allowance is provided for mid and rear-engined vehicles.

Of course this only applies if the exhaust is modified, standard ones should pass a WoF as the vehicle will have been complied as a whole in the 'drive-by' noise test by the manufacturer.



4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 16th August 2008
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Good stuff. Thank you smile

Dan M

278 posts

294 months

Thursday 21st August 2008
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There are new proposals for exhaust noise which are now out for public comment.

Details are here:

The proposals aim to leave the current decibel limits in place but to crack down on those who don't stick to them by imposing a lower decibel limit.

Blow-off valves also get a mention - it is proposed to only allow recirculating or muffled ones.

I am sure any comments would be welcomed by LTSA/LTNZ/NZTA, be quick before they change name again ;-)



813 posts

245 months

Thursday 21st August 2008
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Dan M said:
That's correct, it's in the LVVTA standard:
I really like this bit... said:
Vehicles that are not subject to objective noise testing
(b) a scratch-built low volume vehicle that is first registered or re-registered in New Zealand on or after 1 December 2008.