want an iPhone?..



Original Poster:

31,343 posts

265 months

Monday 7th July 2008
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$200 + $250 a month!!! (*24) , TCO $6200 WOW.

I'll stik to my 5th gen 30giger... biggrin


281 posts

227 months

Tuesday 8th July 2008
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and thats only the 8gig

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 8th July 2008
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Parallel imports?


281 posts

227 months

Tuesday 8th July 2008
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try comparing the iphone package against one of their blackberry phones on a 24mth plan (after the 6mths free service).

Did people really think they would sell a premium phone that cheap without collecting on the plan - hell, some people were thinking they'd be able to spend $200 and have an iphone on their existing prepay plan..................


4,391 posts

268 months

Wednesday 9th July 2008
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No thanks

Its day light robbery. Wont be touching one.

Kiwi Carguy

1,202 posts

227 months

Wednesday 9th July 2008
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Seeing as we are on the subject of mobile phones I'm currently using a Palm Treo 650 which I have found great. I use the calendar and other functions to run my business and after 4 Treo's love the phone. It's a little big and heavy but bearable. I have had an Apache but found it a bit delicate for my active day and didn't like the slide out Qwerty keyboard. So the Treo's have been great and I sinc them with my laptop etc.

So I was looking at upgrading to the Treo 700 and Telecom have also offered me a Samsung i325 Global Phone. It's thinner and lighter but non touch screen and obviously a differant layout to the Treo. has anyone any experience with both these phones and care to share there opinion. A big advantage of the Samsung is it is a Global Roaming phone whereas the Telecom Treo is not. I still have the Treo and have a Samsung which arrived today for a 7 day trial. I still have the option of taking a 700.

I know it may seem like a simple thing but i do utilize my phone a lot smile


Original Poster:

31,343 posts

265 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
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RENN68 said:
try comparing the iphone package against one of their blackberry phones on a 24mth plan (after the 6mths free service).

Did people really think they would sell a premium phone that cheap without collecting on the plan - hell, some people were thinking they'd be able to spend $200 and have an iphone on their existing prepay plan..................
Vodaphone charge $50 PM for 1gig dataplan with the vodem.

They also charge $60pm for 1gig via your 3g phone , or for $80 you get 3 gig.

Or you can get 1gig with an iPhone for $250pm.

No idea how they can justify a $6k contract for a $1k phone and $1200 worth of data (and a bit of talk).

iPhone cant even do 3G in NZ outside of the major cities...


2,732 posts

245 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
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It's called lack of competition.

Here in Oz we have two carriers ( Optus & Vodafone ) advertising at significantly better rates than yours and apparently Telstra is about to jump on board as well, prices will drop here.

Ewan Oozarmy

106 posts

264 months

Thursday 10th July 2008
quotequote all
suthol said:
It's called lack of competition.

Here in Oz we have two carriers ( Optus & Vodafone ) advertising at significantly better rates than yours and apparently Telstra is about to jump on board as well, prices will drop here.
Possibly but in the UK O2 have exclusive rights to the iPhone, the same as Vodafone in NZ, and their best plan is 45 quid per month, free iPhone, unlimited data, 1200 free minutes, 500 free texts.

Slightly better than VF I reckon, who are quite simply taking the p*ss.