Herald Motoring column are they insane?

Herald Motoring column are they insane?



Original Poster:

196 posts

226 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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NZ Herald Monday 30th
"Local company Environfuel is collecting waste cooking oils from restaurants and producing biodiesel for use in vehicles. Most diesel vehicles can be converted to run on biodiesel, at a cost of around $3000. You will also need a storage tank at home with the non-toxic/non-flammable fuel being delivered to you, 50 to 2000 litres at a time."

OK Biodiesel is cooking oil treated so it can run in a diesel engine so no modifications are required. Cooking oil can be used in a diesel engine directly but you have to have heated lines or a switch over systems.
If the fuel is NON FLAMABLE it wouldn't bloody work!

Anyone know how to get the ear of someone at the Herald? Writing an email is an exercise in complete futility.


2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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Marksteamnz said:
Anyone know how to get the ear of someone at the Herald?
Soft soles and a sharp knife?


6,371 posts

294 months

Tuesday 1st July 2008
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Omerta said:
Marksteamnz said:
Anyone know how to get the ear of someone at the Herald?
Soft soles and a sharp knife?

Seriously though, an e-mail or a phonecall is about the best you can get I think


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 1st July 2008
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Its the same way Diesel is non flammable. Put a match to it it wont burn.

Needs heat and compression to get going.


Original Poster:

196 posts

226 months

Tuesday 1st July 2008
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Hmm I guess I look at the world through and ex industrial chemists eyes and all the Material Safety Data sheets class diesel as flammable Class 2.
There are a lot of diesel smudge pots and heaters that rely on diesel and a wick.
In fact I used a teaspoon or fourteen of stale diesel and a rag to get a stack of pallets burnt last month. Noisy though.............when my wife came out and decided it was going to burn the house down. Lucky the builder is in the local volunteer brigade so when he cheered on the addition of another set of pallets so it went quiet, cool and frosty sort of quiet.
All better now!

RobDickinson said:
Its the same way Diesel is non flammable. Put a match to it it wont burn.

Needs heat and compression to get going.


Original Poster:

196 posts

226 months

Sunday 19th October 2008
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Why does the Herald keep providing free advertising to scams. This bloody air car in what ever form has been a joke since the 1990's. The range and speed claims are complete and utter fantasy. In the only test ever published they went 7.2km at about 30kph. The air tanks hold the energy equivalent in petrol of a can of beer which is feed to an air motor that is horribly inefficient compared to a standard petrol engine. To fill the tanks you need a 4500psi compressor. Great I'm running a bit low where's the nearest dive shop, they'll fill the tanks for free. NOT!
I love the local IndraNet web site used to say "We will not respond to naysayers". Lovely we don't want the facts to get in the way of our nice fantasy.


6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 20th October 2008
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Yeah I saw that... to an engineer their claims just don't stack up, I never paid it more than a passing glance.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Monday 20th October 2008
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Esprit said:
Yeah I saw that... to an engineer their claims just don't stack up, I never paid it more than a passing glance.
