


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

207 months

Sunday 29th June 2008
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Anyone been there as it will be one of the places we will be for 4 days on our holiday during October. What are the best things to see and do?


4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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Hi yip been there, loads to see and do or just be lazy. Plenty of nice resorts, prestine clear blue waters all the nice food and fancy cocktails, also their native drink is Karva and tastes like peppermint flavoured dirt, just a word of warning hehe The main Island is IMO not great overall, it¡¦s the resorts that make it. But I recommend the outer islands off the main land if you want to get a way from the hustle and bustle. I did a windsurfing tour some years back to a northern island called Nana-Nu-Ira or something. The facilities on the island as expected were basic but un molested by tourist apartments, screaming kids and all the add on stuff you get with resorts. I loved it. One of the things that put me off being on the main island is that they burn everything all their waste, esp after harvesting sugar cane, they burn the fields and the island is left with a smoggy haze. But I would definitely go back again esp for the windsurfing, it was heaven cloud9 I have some photos of my holidays over there if you want some but ill have to scan them as their not digital.

Also consider Rarotonga and Aitutaki. Aitutaki my No.1 choice.

Edited by Kylie on Monday 30th June 02:03


246 posts

294 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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I did a cruise with Blue Lagoon cruises. Had a great time, different Island everyday. Mostly full of Aussies but you can't win them all smile

I was on this bad boy.


4,635 posts

269 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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I love Fiji, me and the mrs are getting married there next year. We are hoping to buy a holiday villa in the next couple of years there. A couple of pics from our last trip there, just outside of Nadi


16,013 posts

241 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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Never been there but I was chatting to a Fijian bloke on sunday actually. Funnily enough he's finding things a tad chilly in Central hehe


2,013 posts

262 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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Beautiful country and lovely people but personally I wouldn't contribute anything to their economy while the military junta is running things. Does that hurt the people more than the regime? Probably, in the short term, but if tourism revenue folded perhaps that would accelerate the democratic process.


4,391 posts

268 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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Ben aha is that were they are from, figured they would be back home before winter ??. Seen heaps of what appeared to be fruit picking working gangs at xmas time around Cromwell. Heaps of them! Figured the summer climate would suit them well, but winter climate, it would be hell for them :lol:

Back on topic ill see if I can scan some pics tom of some Fiji windsurf action !


16,013 posts

241 months

Monday 30th June 2008
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A lot of the seasonal vineyard workers here are from Vanuatu and yep, usually just for summerwink


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

207 months

Tuesday 1st July 2008
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Thanks for your replies look forward to some more pictures

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2008
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maybe an obvious point, but if you Google-earth Fiji, there are quite a few photos attached (the blue dots) that give you a reasonable idea. We're off to Sigatoka with the kids next week so have been having a nosey on there.....

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Sunday 20th July 2008
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Was in Fiji this week and there is a new resort opening at Nata(n)dola beach in March of next year which looks exceptional-first ever 7-star accomodation in Fiji. We stayed at Outrigger, which is 5 star and very nice but no nice beach there (good pool though)

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Sunday 20th July 2008
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Any signs of how the locals, economy, media etc are coping with Uncle Frank being in charge ?

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Monday 21st July 2008
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I can't pretend to have immersed myself in the "real' Fiji, given that I spent 90% of my time in a resort-but they're not liking the fuel prices!One taxi driver said that pay rates can be as low as 2-3 dollars an hour for factory workers. Food is cheap, I guess. Taxi driver on way back was last of his family remaining in Fiji-rest had moved to NZ and India!!!-parts of which are, apparently, a hell of a lot more prosperous than when I was last there ('95)He likes his position there though-engineer-cum-driver for Car hire/Taxi co and has no plans to leave Fiji.
Interestingly, our taxi driver from Ak airport has been here 6 years and is considering returning to Delhi as he feels education is better there than what his kids are getting in South Auckland.
Much as I give you guys stick for daring to criticise this country, I see what a priveledged bubble I live in-kids in private school, not dependent on an employer here etc. So even a decadent holiday can be an eye-opener. Thank god for taxi drivers eh?

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Monday 21st July 2008
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Roger A said:
I can't pretend to have immersed myself in the "real' Fiji, given that I spent 90% of my time in a resort-but they're not liking the fuel prices!One taxi driver said that pay rates can be as low as 2-3 dollars an hour for factory workers. Food is cheap, I guess. Taxi driver on way back was last of his family remaining in Fiji-rest had moved to NZ and India!!!-parts of which are, apparently, a hell of a lot more prosperous than when I was last there ('95)He likes his position there though-engineer-cum-driver for Car hire/Taxi co and has no plans to leave Fiji.
Interestingly, our taxi driver from Ak airport has been here 6 years and is considering returning to Delhi as he feels education is better there than what his kids are getting in South Auckland.
Much as I give you guys stick for daring to criticise this country, I see what a priveledged bubble I live in-kids in private school, not dependent on an employer here etc. So even a decadent holiday can be an eye-opener. Thank god for taxi drivers eh?
Not being one to split hairs rofl (. . . OK maybe I do) I don't think most of us crisicise the country as much as we criticise some things that happen here.

Bring on the election bribes for students . . . banghead

Getting back to Fiji. Do you feel it's a good place to take small kids for a holiday?

Roger A

1,267 posts

251 months

Monday 21st July 2008
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great kid care where we were. most of the resorts have kids clubs of some kind, so, in short, yes!


Original Poster:

3,198 posts

207 months

Sunday 9th November 2008
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We went to Mana resort for our few days and thoroughly enjoyed it.Everyone so very friendly too.
The "Seapsray" trip we did which took us to the island where "Castaway2 was filmed. we even went round the village where the locals live - unbelievable sights!