Moving to Taupo



Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Monday 16th June 2008
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Hi Guys,

I have just received a formal job offer to come and live/work in New Zealand.I will be living in Taupo and coming over sometime in September
this year

Please can anyone advise me what the area is like to live in? I know that there is a race track in Taupo.Unfortunatley i am having to sell my beloved Escort Cosworth before i move from the UK so for the mean time i will have to come and watch others at play on the track!!

i visted the area several years ago,however i would appreciate any info you have on the area and also if there are any other like minded car nuts in that area.



6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 16th June 2008
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Taupo is a VERY nice area, although it certainly has its issues (like anywhere in NZ) There's a lot of unemployment (especially in the surrounding satellite towns) and it' CAN be a little bit hostile with the yoof there but otehr than that it's a VERY picturesque place, LOTS to do (although a bit expensive as it's touristy) but you've the lake, plenty of good boating and fishing and the mountain ski-fields are about an hour away, so it's got it all. The racetrack there is the BEST in NZ by a long way (until Hampton Downs comes along later this year) and you'd be well advisable to buy yourself a cheap fun car (like an MX5) and participate in the many CHEAP trackdays they have there (trackday for the equivalent of about 50 quid sound good? smile )

You'll love it smile

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Monday 16th June 2008
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It's a great area for lots of reasons and I wouldn't mind living there myself.

If you have kids, the secondary schools are unfortunately no more than average. Although there are some good schools elsewhere in the region that have week-boarders.

There are a quite a few motorsport clubs in the region and they often cooperate on Hillclimbs, Sprints and other events. driving


Original Poster:

17 posts

212 months

Monday 16th June 2008
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Thanks for that.I am glad to hear that you can recommend the place.It,s going to be a big challenge coming over with my wife,three kids 2 dogs and no cossie!!! Once i eventually get settled then i shall obviously be looking into getting another motor.

It will all depend on money(or lack of).Can you advise me if their is anyone on here with a cosworth??I have had cossies for over 14 years now and would love another one over there if possible.


Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Monday 16th June 2008
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They come up every so often.

Keep an eye on 

One of my colleagues and his father are both Ford nutters so I'll check if they know of any good ones likely to come up for sale.


6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 16th June 2008
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crazyford said:

Thanks for that.I am glad to hear that you can recommend the place.It,s going to be a big challenge coming over with my wife,three kids 2 dogs and no cossie!!! Once i eventually get settled then i shall obviously be looking into getting another motor.

It will all depend on money(or lack of).Can you advise me if their is anyone on here with a cosworth??I have had cossies for over 14 years now and would love another one over there if possible.

Escort Cosworths are rare as hens' teeth in NZ as they don't meet our frontal impact regs. As I'm aware there's only a half dozen or so in the country (although this number is a guess, but there'd certainly not be many more than that. As such they go for silly money (about $65k for an average-to-good one) which is about 25,000 quid.