All we'll drive



Original Poster:

16,014 posts

241 months

Saturday 7th June 2008
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Winters on the way...



Original Poster:

16,014 posts

241 months

Saturday 7th June 2008
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Oh, and while I'm in the photo-posting mood, a scary moment from work last week...

You can see faint tracks on the right where I went up (2nd gear low range for perspective, they never look as steep in photos), and not-so-faint tracks on the left where I came down a lot faster going backwards:

A closer look:

Where I finally managed to reverse out of it (truck is exactly as it stopped), just before it would have got a whole lot worse:

Whoever said a Hilux couldn't get the adrenaline going? eek

Edited by GravelBen on Saturday 7th June 06:33


4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 7th June 2008
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I bet you had to change your shorts after that one eek and talk about leaving the reverse turning to the last second !

hehe Would make a great Toyota advert


4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 7th June 2008
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GravelBen said:
Winters on the way...
Got some picture messages from the relatives in Timmers standing in the snow and it looks bloody cold. Its amazing as in the past it just never snows there but last year they got a good snowfall too!


Original Poster:

16,014 posts

241 months

Saturday 7th June 2008
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Kylie said:
GravelBen said:
Winters on the way...
Got some picture messages from the relatives in Timmers standing in the snow and it looks bloody cold. Its amazing as in the past it just never snows there but last year they got a good snowfall too!
Yeah I heard they have a couple of inches on the ground there, and getting a bit in Dunedin too. None in Cromwell itself yet, I had to go up the Nevis for those photos and even at the top (1300m) it isn't very deep except in a few drifts. Too much wind for it to settle properly I guess.


Original Poster:

16,014 posts

241 months

Saturday 7th June 2008
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Kylie said:
...and talk about leaving the reverse turning to the last second !
Oh I was trying, believe me! You can see from the 4 separate lines that it had a fair bit of angle on most of the way down. Where the 2 middle lines cross over is probably where I tried the brakes again and the nose really started to swing out.

Kylie said:
hehe Would make a great Toyota advert
Toyota ad said:

Edited by GravelBen on Saturday 7th June 07:36


957 posts

269 months

Sunday 8th June 2008
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all this snow around....heres a lesson for all hehe



772 posts

294 months

Sunday 8th June 2008
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Hmm could see they were asking for that. Youd think they would have spent two minutes removing the snow from behind it. And when the first attempt spun the car the wrong way you wouldnt think theyd try the same thing again