Christchurch car hire



Original Poster:

6,016 posts

221 months

Monday 2nd June 2008
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Hi all,

I'm in the middle of planning a trip to NZ again, and I need a car from Christchurch airport. I like to try out cars I wouldn't usually buy when on holiday, last time was a 1.6 Audi A3, which was horrible.

The time before I tried to get a V8 of some description but they didn't have any so I got a Diamante V6, which I was quite happy with actually.

This time however I'd really like a V8. Any recommendations for a hire company that has V8s in their fleet? I'd ideally pick one up from the airport. Most companies seem to just have a list of potential cars that you may get, online. I'll be hiring from Jan 2nd - 15th if that makes any difference. I understand locals don't usually hire cars (I wouldn't have a clue here) but any info appreciated!



6,371 posts

294 months

Monday 2nd June 2008
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Most companies don't do V8s... the closest you'll get is a 6-cylinder Falcon/Commodore/Maxima etc.

Especially with fuel prices going the way they are, you'd be VERY lucky to find one with a V8 on the books. Look towards a specialist hire place I would, someone that hires sports cars and the like.


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2008
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Some of these look fun esp the convertibles, mind you a little chilly in the south island on a cold morning?
7 series BMW or Porsche Cayenne Turbo could be fun V8 Wagon could be fun up the ski field roads!


31,343 posts

265 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2008
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Dont know of anyone that specificaly does car hire but depending on how long your here buying a budget old holden v8 cheap has to be an option.


Original Poster:

6,016 posts

221 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2008
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Cheers all, some good info. I'd tempted to buy one but I'm only down south for 14 days, it would also be too tempting to have it shipped home smile


2,508 posts

295 months

Tuesday 3rd June 2008
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I always use Hertz and always get a 6 cylinder 4.0 Fairmont. They seem to have V8's in the parking lots but they must be special requests. Avis I think use the Commodores.

Must make a special request next time. smile