$3k for blocking traffic?

$3k for blocking traffic?



Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 9th May 2008
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Did you watch highway patrol on tele the other night? I didnt but a work collegue said a person ran out of fuel and left stranded blocking a lane. I assume in Auckland. Cops fine was $3K yikes

Not that it matters but it was an Asian lady which I can only assume didnt have the strength to push to side of road or there was no verge to move on to? would you get a fine if on the side verge? And lastly would this be the same if your car just broke down regardless blocking a lane... Certainly makes you think twice about running the car low on fuel on the motorway.


221 posts

251 months

Friday 9th May 2008
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Think it was a $1000 careless driving charge on the basis that she was aware petrol was low and choose not to act until she stopped in the middle of the motorway just before Upper Harbour Drive after driving from Hillsborough.

She then appeared before a judge who decided how much the appropriate fine would be (Up to a max of $3000) plus court costs.

So moral of the story if you run out of gas on the motorway either start pushing to the nearest offramp before the plod gets there or tell them its a mechanical fault the car won't start and call the AA!

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Friday 9th May 2008
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I've only ever run out once and that was a deliberate test in a Corona with a can of gas in the boot.

I got the first clear signal about 10km out and several more from 3-4km from empty.

You would need to be a complete censoredtard not to realize something was happening to the car and get in the left-hand lane ready to pull onto the shoulder just in case something worse happened.


16,014 posts

241 months

Friday 9th May 2008
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I ran out once, when I came out of the Molesworth after a climbing trip to discover that the petrol station in Seddon had become a large area of bulldozed flat dirt. Hadn't run completely dry but as the fuel light had been on for the previous 50km (of mostly twisty gravel) I figured it wasn't going much further and called the AA for some more while I was at an easily identifiable place. With a fish and chip shop across the road. biggrin


772 posts

294 months

Friday 9th May 2008
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I keep running out of gas in the Midget. Only cause I keep forgetting to switch the fuel pump back on rolleyes


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 9th May 2008
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Bull1t said:
I keep running out of gas in the Midget. Only cause I keep forgetting to switch the fuel pump back on rolleyes


Original Poster:

4,391 posts

268 months

Friday 9th May 2008
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Your all hopeless tongue out

Havent ever ran out of fuel but had an expensive fix from running the MR2 too low on fuel. Back in the drunken madness days all my money was spent on rent, paying off my car and partying as you do !!! I had a bad habit of only putting 10L of fuel and was around $10 back then, and that would see me through for the week if not travelling out of town. The car broke down due to a clogged fuel filter from constantly sucking the dregs off the bottom of the tank. The boys at Timaru Toyota gave me a right lecture and slapped me with a $1200 bill I had to pay off. Oh and Dad gave me a right bking too frown From then on even today I always fill the car right up - lesson learnt not to be a cheap skate!

Edited by Kylie on Friday 9th May 20:36


772 posts

294 months

Saturday 10th May 2008
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My ex flatmate always used to put $10 in his car then run it as low as possible. One day we were with him when he ran out of gas and he was most annoyed cause he reckoned it should have done another 3ks before it ran out rolleyes At least we were only 200m from home on the flat

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Saturday 10th May 2008
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Kylie said:
. . . Back in the drunken madness days all my money was spent on rent, paying off my car and partying as you do !!! I had a bad habit of only putting 10L of fuel and was around $10 back then . . .
That wasn't that long ago PartyGirl !!! party



196 posts

226 months

Saturday 10th May 2008
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Lotus 7 Series 2 (1600 Lotus twin cam) back in the day, ran out half a km from home. I hadn't checked the dip stick in the previous 2 days. Yep NO petrol gauge installed.
Two weeks later set it on fire when I split a bit of petrol while topping up from a fuel can (bought so when the tank got low I could top up) which soaked into the sound deadening round the INTERNAL petrol filler, which was ignited by Mr SU's finest a make and break fuel pump. You can undo a 4 point harness and clear the car in less than 0.5 seconds when well frightened
Eventually sold to Denis Ganley who sold the twin cam (wasn't orignal) put in a cross flow ford, found the front cycle guards and drove the hell out of it.
Mark Stacey