Blatant Plug



Original Poster:

750 posts

221 months

Sunday 4th May 2008
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Ive decided to part with my TVR posessions accumulated over the last 3 to 4 years.New business ventures,appartment living and lifestyle changes means the car(s) will be not be completed while sitting in storage for I'd imagine a considerable amount of time.

Check out TVR searches on trademe over the next week,I'd love to see to them going to the Tiv community first,hence the plug here.

I stopped counting at 100k,theres everything from complete Chim interiors,Griff/Chim spare rolling chassis's/,wheel sets, through to a very serious bespoke LS1 race rolling chassis/running Ohlins,Wilwood six pots,tubular rose jointed suspension and other top of the line associated race parts,etc,etc.




221 posts

251 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
quotequote all
I have a man wanting a set of wheels for his Griff


221 posts

251 months

Thursday 8th May 2008
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PM me your email and phone number and I can distribute a parts list to my email database.

PS Sad day but imagine a lot of thought has gone into the decision


Original Poster:

750 posts

221 months

Saturday 10th May 2008
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Sorry,just seen this,email coming your way,Griff wheel set no problems.
Ive only got the race car items listed,should have the Sag as a rolling chassis next week.Ttheres also another rolling Chim road car besides engine and box in bits,body could do with a t cut....biggrin