Is your car cute?
Its not that hard. Im far from an artist...the only things I know how to do are like above and lower cars. Just the better you are at it the more seamless the joins of the two pictures are.
If youd like one email me an original and Ill do one for you.
If youd like one email me an original and Ill do one for you.
Work going a bit slow too huh 

Heres another with no editing done in Paint. The squashed images above you need to cut the wheel out from an un squashed image and save them some where, then squash your image then paste the wheels back on. The line of where you cut the wheels out including a bit of wheel arch is the trick to make it more realistic.

Heres another with no editing done in Paint. The squashed images above you need to cut the wheel out from an un squashed image and save them some where, then squash your image then paste the wheels back on. The line of where you cut the wheels out including a bit of wheel arch is the trick to make it more realistic.
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