Stalk your car
It seems most people on here have cars that theyre the only NZ owner of but just in case I thought this was interesting
Put a cars rego in and tells you all the details about it, its free too.
From the examples Ive seen its amazing how many times the mileage is entered into the database wrong at WOF time.
Put a cars rego in and tells you all the details about it, its free too.
From the examples Ive seen its amazing how many times the mileage is entered into the database wrong at WOF time.
Done mine this afternoon odly enough and sent the email to them saying theres a bulls up in the mileage and car weight
They will refer you to the LTSA to correct it. Might be pushing $hit up hill on that one.
IMO the data is pretty harmless and great if your a buyer to do a quick scan. It dosent disclose personal details of where the car is located which is all im concerned about. And as most people can gather its just a guide anyway. The amount of blunders everyones finding how could you take it seriously. I found a five seater Esprit on there - now thats practical

IMO the data is pretty harmless and great if your a buyer to do a quick scan. It dosent disclose personal details of where the car is located which is all im concerned about. And as most people can gather its just a guide anyway. The amount of blunders everyones finding how could you take it seriously. I found a five seater Esprit on there - now thats practical

Omerta said:
Hey George - your WOF has expired. 
Not sure I like the fact anyone can look this up, or see the VIN....
Lol it's expired because it generally don't need one if it's in a million bits 
Not sure I like the fact anyone can look this up, or see the VIN....

And yeah it's a bit scary, but in the end there's not much possibly incriminating evidence on there, unless you're in the habit of winding your car back.
Hmm, interesting results on my 2 previous cars -
The Legacy VZ is listed as registered under an exemption, with the last WOF expired in march 07. It also clocked up 25,000km in the 6 months from March 06 when I sold it to September 06 when it last got a WOF (@ 193k) - thats an everage of 121 km/day for 6 months!
The mighty Leone has apparently been off the road for over 3 years, hasn't had a WOF since the last one (@ 245k) before I sold it June 04.
Poor cars. I do have to admit they had a fairly hard life though.
The Legacy VZ is listed as registered under an exemption, with the last WOF expired in march 07. It also clocked up 25,000km in the 6 months from March 06 when I sold it to September 06 when it last got a WOF (@ 193k) - thats an everage of 121 km/day for 6 months!
The mighty Leone has apparently been off the road for over 3 years, hasn't had a WOF since the last one (@ 245k) before I sold it June 04.
Poor cars. I do have to admit they had a fairly hard life though.
Edited by GravelBen on Wednesday 30th April 05:15
jamieheasman said:
Anyone transferred a custom plate from one vehicle to another? I've tried looking up my old motorbike and it looks like the plate was removed but it lists no other vehicle with it on - why would you do that?
What6 do you mean?I had a pplate on my CRX which I kept when I sold it, it sat on my shelf for 3 years before I put it on my motorbike. If I look up the pplate it gets the bike, the only way to pick up the CRX is by putting in the plate thats on it now.
Bull1t said:
[I had a pplate on my CRX which I kept when I sold it, it sat on my shelf for 3 years before I put it on my motorbike.
Off topic, but how do you transfer a plate 'sat on the shelf'? My sister in law has a pplate 'on the shelf' for years as she is now in Australia. How do I go about putting it on my car?On topic - very interesting site, I was surprised to learn my MGF had sat around a year before it was sold and all the info is there to be seen and used!
My motorbike had the number plate R1YZF - guess what make and model it was! At some point the plate was changed to an ordinary random jobbie.
If you put any of the three number plates that it had/has it brings up the same vehicle. So, can I deduce from this that the pplate has not been put on to another vehicle? I guess the owner may just have it on retention but I just wondered if anyone had a plate they'd transferred from one vehicle to another and could confirm what is brought up when you searched on it.
If you put any of the three number plates that it had/has it brings up the same vehicle. So, can I deduce from this that the pplate has not been put on to another vehicle? I guess the owner may just have it on retention but I just wondered if anyone had a plate they'd transferred from one vehicle to another and could confirm what is brought up when you searched on it.
jamieheasman said:
My motorbike had the number plate R1YZF - guess what make and model it was! At some point the plate was changed to an ordinary random jobbie.
If you put any of the three number plates that it had/has it brings up the same vehicle. So, can I deduce from this that the pplate has not been put on to another vehicle? I guess the owner may just have it on retention but I just wondered if anyone had a plate they'd transferred from one vehicle to another and could confirm what is brought up when you searched on it.
I initially had SEXIGE on the spacewagon (for three days, just to get the plate stamped so it'd be waiting and ready by the time the Exige arrived in NZ). Type in SEXIGE it brings up just one car, the Exige. If I type in either of the Mitsubishi's plates (the one it had before SEXIGE (NM2153) or the one it has now (ECM821) it brings up the spacewagon. It shows SEXIGE as being on the car for a time, but you can't use it to search.If you put any of the three number plates that it had/has it brings up the same vehicle. So, can I deduce from this that the pplate has not been put on to another vehicle? I guess the owner may just have it on retention but I just wondered if anyone had a plate they'd transferred from one vehicle to another and could confirm what is brought up when you searched on it.
MADD E is clocked
We reset it to 0mls after it was rebuilt
We reset it to 0mls after it was rebuilt

pawsmcgraw said:
Its amazing how many vehicles have milage decrease written along side the details!Clocking is alive and well in this country too 
Or just typos - mileage figures for my old Leone went 150k, 62k, 176k, etc, looks like they missed a 1 off the front of the 62k figure but shows a mileage decrease for that one.
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