Provisional Entries for Targa Rotorua

Provisional Entries for Targa Rotorua



Original Poster:

281 posts

227 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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...... becauseyou'll never find them on the website.


2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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Missing one detail - #310's other driver, Iain A. Large PH Le Mans stylee stickers for the 944 are on order biggrin


16,014 posts

241 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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thumbup We'll be expecting some reports on the event yes

Good to see Proctor's Escort V6 nuttermobile out there again too, always a highlight of Targa TV coverage hehe


Original Poster:

281 posts

227 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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Very competitive class and not just because Anton has returned


2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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Don't know about competitive but as newbies with a reasonable amount of track time between us but virtually none of it competitive (Iain's karting excepted) we have 3 objectives for Rotorua:

1. Finish
2. Have fun, learn about the car and the event
3. Did I mention Finish?

At least.... that's the plan wink

Can't wait smiledriving


Original Poster:

281 posts

227 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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Thats a damn fine plan - exactly the same plan as we had for our first one.


2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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Please tell me you finished.... wink


Original Poster:

281 posts

227 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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yep - and I can't begin to tell you about how much fun we had.

iain a

329 posts

238 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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I was wondering who was also in car 310 until I spotted the new identity Don.
All in favour of the PH stickers.. should get some sew ons for the overalls too.

Finishing & having fun is what it is all about.. The Narva Tour in 06 driving the big bad Stag was a blast, if it is half as much fun as that it will still be the event of the year.

See you at the start again this year RENN


Original Poster:

281 posts

227 months

Wednesday 16th April 2008
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and this is all you gonna see ............ biggrin

Seriously though, looking forward to catching up with you guys.


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 27th May 2008
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GOOD LUCK BOYS AND GIRLS!!!! Three days to go and keep the sunny shiny side up please and hopefully no pics of your cars entering into some poor cockies paddock!!

Is it just me or the targa website is hopeless for finding maps of the stages. Is there a direct link somewhere?


Original Poster:

281 posts

227 months

Tuesday 27th May 2008
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Thanks and no, its not just you.

No maps on the website, they are in NZ Driver mag. Pretty much the same as last year with day 1 and 2 stages swapped around and most run in the reverse direction.

I believe the new Targa owners are going to have the website overhauled sometime.


2,013 posts

262 months

Tuesday 27th May 2008
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Thanks Kylie, We're good to go - spent most of Sunday getting stickered up and various bits of prep. There's going to be some sweaty palms on the start line, but can't wait... smile


4,391 posts

268 months

Tuesday 27th May 2008
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Aha re website I guess they are looking after sponsors?

Anyway post up your daily reports and pics be great to see them.


2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 28th May 2008
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Original Poster:

281 posts

227 months

Wednesday 28th May 2008
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only 2 more sleeps .............


4,391 posts

268 months

Thursday 29th May 2008
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Cars looking good guys!

Found this for yas.....ok not in my back yard but good enough!

Remember the daily reports if you get time smile


2,013 posts

262 months

Saturday 31st May 2008
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Cheers for that Kylie... thumbup

...but sadly our day ended just before the lunch break on a touring stage while burbing along at 40kph the engine died and wouldn't start. Suspected coil or something electrical at first, but Iain thought the engine sounded slightly odd turning over trying to restart... and here's why:

on an engine that's done around 15000kms!

As of right now we're waiting for a man in a van with a cambelt to arrive and with some luck (got any more of them clovers in the back yard Kylie?) and a bit of midnight oil we'll be out again in the morning.

Very slippy and some dense fog out there this morning - the worst wreck was on only the second corner of the first stage - an Escort that had rolled. Crew were carted off in an ambulance, hopefully just for a checkover. There were several others parked in, up or over banks. Until the cambelt went we were having a great day - we'd tossed a coin earlier and Iain got the morning with me due to take over for the afternoon. A lot of fun twisties and no 'moments' of any significance.

Could be a late night... hopefully we'll be out there for day 2!!!!


2,013 posts

262 months

Saturday 31st May 2008
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...before someone says it, the man in the van's bringing valves and a headgasket toowink


4,391 posts

268 months

Saturday 31st May 2008
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OMG!!! Was it bent valves? eek Are you back running ok now?